
To family and friends,

We ask you to join us in celebrating the beautiful little life of our darling daughter, Éva.

Reception with light food and coffee to follow.

Noémie’s favourite colour is purple, so if you would like to wear purple, that would be most welcome.

In lieu of flowers, we ask that donations be made to continue to support our cousin Jaxon McKinney and his dedicated family. For those of you who do not know Jaxon and his story, he is a brave young warrior who has been living with a cerebellar brain tumor. Donations can be made directly to [email protected].


October 19, 2019
Bathurst Chapel
02:30 PM - 05:00 PM

Memorial Gathering will be taking place following the service.


October 19, 2019
Bathurst Chapel
02:00 PM

The Memorial Service will begin at 2 p.m. at Cardinal Funeral Homes - Bathurst Chapel followed by a post service gathering.



October 17, 2019
Wendy Hurd
Miranda, my heart and prayers are with you and your family. xoxo Love always, Wendy
October 17, 2019
Kathleen Patterson
Pour les parents et la famille de la petite Éva, les collègues de l'équipe de santé mentale du conseil Viamonde offre leur soutien et leurs pensées en ces moments d'épreuve. Nous vous souhaitons du temps et de l'amour pour traverser cette période difficile. Afin d'honorer la mémoire de votre petite fille et soutenir le petit Jaxon avec son parcours, nous offrons un don qui nous l'espérons saura être utile. Avec toute notre compassion, Kathleen, Djenane, Nadia et Delia
October 17, 2019
Karen Valentine
Thinking of you and your family Miranda at this very difficult time. Sending love and hugs.
October 17, 2019
Joanne, David, Vanessa and Dayna
We are thinking of you today and each coming day as you continue to remember your baby girl. Our hearts hurt with yours and our hearts send strength, compassion and love to yours. Eva will brighten the skies with her beauty. We love you.
October 16, 2019
Bill West
I am so very sorry for your loss Miranda and Yannis, what a beautiful little angel Eva is. Big hugs