
In lieu of flowers - if desired - memorial donations to Sick Kids would be appreciated by the family.


December 20, 2016
5 to 7 p.m.


December 20, 2016
Cardinal Funeral Home Bathurst Chapel, 366 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 2S6
6 p.m.

Burial / Entombment / Cremation

Riverside Crematorium


January 08, 2017
steve johnson
just heard that brian had died on cbc sat. night blues. saw the band the few times they showed in my hometown. great guys and brian's guitar playing was unlike anything i've seen before or since. so sad.
January 05, 2017
Bruce Brooker
Brian Cober. A wonderful musician, a sweet man. An improviser. A musical pioneer. Rest in Peace.
December 30, 2016
Ardene Shapiro
I knew Brian through his gigs/jams at Toronto's legendary Grossman's and he was a gentle person, a beloved musician and a treasured part of any music scene he participated in. Brian even inspired me to write a song about the deep love he shared with his beautiful wife, Dianna (based on a conversation she and I had a few years ago). I have had knee problems, unable to walk, or I would have personally come to pay respect to Brian, who will be sorely missed. His music and spirit live on. My deepest condolences to all who knew and loved him well. I think that was easy to do, he was just that kind of open heart.
December 30, 2016
Ardene Shapiro
I knew Brian through his gigs/jams at Toronto's legendary Grossman's and he was a gentle person, a beloved musician and a treasured part of any music scene he participated in. Brian even inspired me to write a song about the loved he shared with his beautiful wife, Dianna (based on a conversation she and I had a few years ago). I have been laid up with knee problems and was unable to walk for the better part of the last two and a half weeks, I would have personally come to pay respect for Brian, who will be sorely missed. His music and spirit live on. My deepest condolences to all who knew and loved him well. I think that was easy to do, he was just that kind of open heart.
December 30, 2016
Robert V. Antone
Saddened by his passing... honored by the memory of Mr. Cober and the many times we've jammed together! RIP my friend
December 24, 2016
Elaine Bomberry & Murray Porter
So very sorry to hear about the passing of Brian Cober, who, both myself and Murray Porter considered a Dear Friend. He will be greatly missed by his fellow Blues friends, musicians and fans, not only in urban centres, but on many Rez's too. He jammed with the best of Native blues musicians from coast to coast. No one played quite like Brian. Rest in Peace Bro. . . Peace Always, Elaine Bomberry & Murray Porter.
December 22, 2016
Pat Bisset
When I asked if Brian to play for fundraisers for my little daycare he was always happy and willing to devote time and talent . Much missed
December 21, 2016
Darlene Robinson
To the Family of Mr. Cober ~ My sincerest and deepest condolences over your loss. Brian was loved, respected and admired by those who knew him. God Bless D.Robinson & Alex Simser
December 20, 2016
Liz Zelasko
My condolences to Brian's family. Brian was full of life and so was his music. Both will live on in our hearts. Rest in peace Brian!
December 20, 2016
Lee Shropshire
Sending my deepest sympathy to Brian's family and very large community. He truly was one of a very special kind, and had a great impact on my life.
December 20, 2016
Ernest and Georgia Lee
We sincerely send our deepest condolences. It is a sad day to loose someone as talented as Brian. I remember meeting Brian and Paulie when they first came to Toronto with the gleam in their eye of becoming a rock star as we all did. Either way he is legendary for his unique style of playing guitar and will be sorely missed. Unfortunately my health is not allowing us to attend, so very sorry.
December 20, 2016
Doug and Naoko Nixon
Brian was a true gentleman and one of my dearest friends. I would regularly travel from Rob Roy (Georgian Bay) to visit Kensington Mkt and always spend the night at Brian's Sunday Grossman's Jam.He was the bright light of the evening as his energy and talent always sparked the event. We will miss Brian's visit to our farm's annual Solstice Music Fest. Doug and Naoko Nixon, Herb Nakamura, Brian Jackson, Mike Joyce and many of the Collingwood area musicians All our love to Diana and family
December 20, 2016
Nancy Trotter & David Fleming
We will miss you, your music and your laughter. So long dear friend. Our deepest condolences to Diana, Brian's parents and the Market community.
December 20, 2016
James (Jimbo) Syrett
Farewell Bri. You were truly a great friend, neighbor, and of course a superb musician. Thank you for every smile and chuckle you gave with your unique humor, every tear you brought with your profound love and sense of community, and every wonderful musical moment I was honored to share with you over the years. Your passing, while not entirely unexpected, was nonetheless surprisingly sudden. While it may be saddening to those of us you left behind, we can take consolation in the fact that it put a relatively quick end to your suffering. I guess the Nationals just got back together. Do they have double-slide harps in heaven? ............. My condolences to Dianna and all the rest of Brian's natural and extended families. In all the time I knew Brian he seemed happiest and most contented when he was with you, Di. You were a perfect fit for one of the nicest people anyone could meet. Stay strong.
December 19, 2016
Michael Titherington
Devastating loss for Brian's family, friends and the music community as a whole. Our deepest condolences to all. Love, Michael Titherington and Gloria Meunier
December 19, 2016
Mallory Dority
My condolences. Brian was extremely talented and will be missed.
December 19, 2016
Julian Fauth
Brian was a thoroughly good man with a pure love of music. I remember sitting on the floor of his room in 1997, listening to records with several other friends, hearing him often at what was then Café Kim, and at Grossman's with the Nationals, or listening to blues with him on the driveway of Robert's coachhouse. Sometimes I had the good fortune to play with him. I will never forget those times. Thank you Brian. Love to Dianna and all his friends. Yours Julian.
December 19, 2016
Pam Woodall
We were all a bit surprised and very honoured that Brian joined Dianna in making the trek to Amicos for the memorial of another dear friend a couple of weeks ago. After offering heartfelt condolences to friends and family he quietly started tuning his guitar in the corner and then began to play his beautiful blues. Everyone fell silent and listened. Brian was always irrepressibly, defiantly life-embracing -raising his arms in victory, declaring "Vivons!" "We live!". My thoughts are with you Dianna and my parents pass on their condolences as well.
December 19, 2016
MIchael Keys
Keep on rockin' Brian. We only met a couple of times but I knew you as a great musician. Long live your memory.... Michael Keys
December 19, 2016
Les & Virginia Byers
Ken and Marilyn, we were so sorry to hear of your son's death. have you all in our thoughts and prayers.
December 18, 2016
Keith Thomas
Known Brian for 50 yrs or so growin up in the old neighbourhood. I remember him first playin steel guitar on his lap.I remember one time when him and my brother played together in our livingroom when they were just kids. You accomplished a lot Brian. Gonna miss you my friend. My condolences to the Cober family and a very special lady Dianne. Keith Thomas
December 18, 2016
Joanne Green
This is such a profound loss and words escape me at a time like this. Such a humble human, masterly talented musician, committed friend, honourable, dedicated and passionate man, powerful warrior. Deeply, deeply saddened. My thoughts are with Dianna, Brian's parents, and Bill.
December 18, 2016
Mike Watson
I was 'away' for many years and never got to know Mr. Cober personally. The Queen of Kensington showed me his incredible style about two years ago at Grossman's. I have some amount of experience with music and musicians but I had never seen such a style as was his. Friendly, humble, gracious and very talented! He will live forever.... wherever he is going.
December 18, 2016
Deborah McDow
I am sorry for your loss. I met him once. And he was very pleasant. May Brian R.I.P
December 18, 2016
Tasha Heart
I did not have the opportunity to meet Brian, wish I had. His unique style of playing a slide guitar interested me. My deepest sympathies to loved ones, family and friends.
December 18, 2016
Patti Barron
So sorry to hear this sad news. Sending love and sympathy to Brian's family from old neighbours from Severn Avenue, Patti Barron and mom Helen Parr
December 18, 2016
Margaret Dinsdale
I remember the first time I saw Brian and Mackie, it was at the Kim Cafe, now Lola's. It was I think 1993, hot sunny summer day and The Nationals were playing. I was immediately struck with how Brian was such a happy and friendly guy. I was hoping to see him play again but that opportunity has passed. My thoughts are with Dianne and family.
December 18, 2016
L. Matthew Spencer (aka Chester)
Thoughts and prayers with deepest sympathies to all the many Brian touched. May the memories of his spirit comfort you all this day.
December 18, 2016
Saoirse Nic Gabhainn
I am writing on behalf of Larri Walker who is travelling in Asia and has no internet access. She would like to express her sadness at Brian's passing and her respect for him. He was very kind to us during multiple trips to Canada over the last 20 years, took us into his home and linked us in with contacts all over the country, we even went to visit his parents one New Year's Day with him, a good friend and person and a very special entertainer. Our thoughts will be with you all on Tuesday and afterwards, with love, Saoirse in Galway
December 18, 2016
Terry Wilkins.
I was fortunate enough to have shared many great musical moments in the company of Brian. He was truly a mensch. He will be missed. He will be remembered.
December 18, 2016
Betsy Stuart
Brian's humour and laid-back personality drew me to Grossman's on Sunday nights. He encouraged any musician from any part of the world to parcipitate in the jam and to have fun. I had no idea that he was sick and suffering. I saw him at Grossman's in the late fall and he was his cheerful and friendly self. His passing away is a loss to many, myself included. I would like to convey my condolences to his family and close friends.
December 18, 2016
Eileen Mullen
So sorry for your loss. He was such a big part of the music scene and it won't be the same without him. He touched so many of us with his beautiful spirit. His music lives on....RIP Brian
December 18, 2016
Gary Staveley
Mr. And Mrs. Cober and all family members. I am very saddened of this news of Brian and so very sorry for your loss. Brian is a big loss to a lot of people as well as an industry. Brian is an icon and a legend in the Toronto scene. His legacy will live on and you can all take an extreme amount of pride. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Gary Staveley
December 18, 2016
Cathy Downer
Our deepest sympathies to you Ken, Marilyn, Charlene, Ellen and family. from Barb, Cathy, Nancy and John Downer
December 18, 2016
Robert and Jessie Reid
Dear Ken and Marilyn, Charlene and Ellen, Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. So sorry for your loss. May the love of God surround each of you and may you feel and know His Presence with each of you. .
December 17, 2016
Russ Forfar
A few years ago, after Brian's trip to Austin, my lady Valerie and I went to his gig in a new venue. It was her birthday. We and the sound tech were the audience for the whole show. Brian and his friends found out it was her special day and played for us like it was a royal command performance. We are listening to the CD now as I write. Thank you Brian for the special special love that day. Say hi to Jeff, friend.
December 17, 2016
Mike Nagoda
I first met Brian 12 years ago at Grossman's and was in awe of his slide guitar playing. Over the years I had the honour of being his friend and student as he taught me Double Slide Guitar and became my mentor. He was the most amazing guitar player in the world, the best, and he'll always be my hero. I was fortunate to get to know him and share in part of his life- he was such a kind, caring and generous person, and he always lifted my spirits by just simply being there. I will never forget him, he was my brother, part of my family. My condolences to Dianna and his family at this time, may you find strength and peace. I love you Brian, and I'll always carry on what you started. Thank you for everything, you were the best, in every way. RIP.
December 17, 2016
Saoirse Nic Gabhainn
I are so deeply sorry to hear of your loss and our thoughts are with you at this difficult time. I am sorry not to be able to travel to Canada to pay my heartfelt respects to Brian. The first time I heard him play double slide I had wandered into an open mike on my second night in Canada and standing alone at the back I could not believe what I was hearing. He later became a friend, a kind generous and incredibly talented man I am so grateful to have known him. Yours is a huge loss shared by many and I hope his myriad contributions to life will bring you comfort as you grieve. With best wishes to you all, Saoirse Nic Gabhainn and family in Galway, Ireland.
December 17, 2016
Norm Tellier
My condolences to the family. I knew Brian back when he lived in Preston On. Spent a lot of weekends at his place " The Boogie House ". He would have jams at the house all weekend. He will be dearly missed. Norm Tellier.
December 17, 2016
Kim Doolittle
Brian, you were one of a kind on every level. We are all better for having known you and the outpouring of emotion from people since your passing equates a life lived beautifully and well. I will miss you old friend.
December 17, 2016
Kenny Huryk
I've known Brian for about 35 years...and in all this time followed Brian and his gigs posted on Facebook...I going to miss you my friend and never got the chance to see you in person in all the years past...and sadly now you will be thought of as a close friend in my heart...R.I.P Brian and God Bless you for being the fine musician I've always praised... condolences to your family...prayers are sent with this message...I shall never forget...your old friend kenny huryk
December 17, 2016
Jo-Ann Pocius
Brian will be greatly missed by his community. My heartfelt condolences to his wife and family. Sincerely and with Love, Jo-Ann Pocius
December 17, 2016
LeRoy St.Germaine
-----------Double Slide Guy never forget you RIP
December 17, 2016
Anthony Smith
I am very sad on this news. Such a terrific musician and kind , positive person. My condolences to the families and friends Rest in peace brother
December 17, 2016
Lynn Wilson
Dianna, Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for the loss of your husband. Condolences to all of the Cober family.
December 17, 2016
Michael Rhoades
Brian was one of the first people I met when I moved into The Market almost 18 years ago. We worked together doing contracting jobs and delivering magazines. Musicians and actors have to do many things to keep body and soul together. He was always a pleasure to work beside. And what can I say about his gift?! Amazing talent! Wonderful player! Beautiful man! Miss him SO MUCH already. My deepest condolences to his family, and may you Rest in Peace, dear Brian. All my love, Michael Rhoades
December 17, 2016
John and Katherine Keating
We're so sorry to hear of Brian's passing. Brian was truly a thoughtful, gentle soul. One of the good people who always made your time with him a pleasure. Brian filled big shoes and has left a big void.
December 17, 2016
Michelle Josef
this is a sad day in Toronto. We have all lost a remarkable musician and a great friend. Deepest condolences. He will be remembered with much love.
December 17, 2016
Kevin and Robin
Kevin and I are so sorry to hear of Brian's passing. We're glad to see that he was able to be at home until the end and that though his fellow musicians and friends, his music and legacy will continue on.
December 17, 2016
Roy Lain
There are no adequate words to describe the loss of the head Goozzel other than you'll make the trumpets of heaven do some slide work to keep up with you .
December 17, 2016
Marie Phillips
So hard to say goodbye.. Brian loved his family hope all are doing ok. He will sing for us forever..
December 17, 2016
David cox
Hi. I knew brian through grossmans tavern . i would show up at his jam on sunday every year from vancouver and brian. Would get me up to play there brian was. A great host. Of the jam. And became a great friend everytime i was there .im sorry for your loss. And brian you are peace now rest in peace my friend. David cox. In vancouveri
December 17, 2016
Kiera Brown
My condolences to the entire Cober family. What a sad loss. I wish I could make the memorial, but will be on the plane. Prayers to you all.
December 17, 2016
Dan Behrman
Thank you for being in my life Brian, I enjoyed each and every moment spent in your company and I miss you already. I still have your music to remember you with and that's a blessing. Rest in peace my friend you were and will always be a good man as well as a killer doubleslider. Respect and condolences to his family and all his friends, Dan Behrman (ex Montreal Jazz Festival Programmer and CBC/Radio-Canada Producer/Host)
December 17, 2016
Ray Farquhar, Montreal
My sincerest condolences to Brian's family and friends. I am fortunate to have shared a stage with Brian several times and my memories are of a lovely man and extraordinary musician. May you find peace, and so may we all.