Katherine Zenovia Sametz

July 21, 1952 - December 03, 2020




Burial / Entombment / Cremation


January 13, 2024
Arrabi Sripalan
She was the most wonderful teacher, I am so glad to have been under her wing in the 2nd and 3rd grade. She was incredible to her students, and would go the extra mile to create unique experiences to make each of her students feel heard and seen. One summer, she even went as far to plan me a surprise ice cream sundae birthday party, even though we weren’t even in school in the summer. In third grade, I remember gifting her a brown sari and she wore it so proudly every year we had our South Asian heritage day at school. There are so many things I am fond of, but I also remember that we used to call her the Queen of Aldergrove Public School, and that, she really was. In 2017, she stumbled into my work and even though it was 15 years later, she remembered my name. Upon seeing her, she told me I made an impression on her life and she was happy she could see me again, the feeling was absolutely mutual and I am so grateful that I got a chance to express my gratitude to her all those years later. She is a truly remarkable person, a role model, and she will be loved eternally. Rest in peace Katherine Sametz.
January 13, 2024
Arrabi Sripalan
She was the most wonderful teacher, I am so grateful to have been under her wing in the 2nd and 3rd grade. She was incredible to her students, and would go the extra mile to create unique experiences to make each of her students feel heard and seen. One summer, she even went as far to plan me a surprise ice cream sundae birthday party, even though we weren’t even in school in the summer. In third grade, I remember gifting her a brown sari and she wore it so proudly every year we had our South Asian heritage day at school. There are so many things I am fond of, but I also remember that we used to call her the Queen of Aldergrove Public School, and that, she really was. In 2017, she stumbled into my work and even though it was 15 years later, she remembered my name. Upon seeing her, she told me I made an impression on her life and she was happy she could see me again, the feeling was absolutely mutual. She is a truly remarkable person, and she is loved eternally. Rest in peace Katherine Sametz.
June 01, 2023
Saqlain Abbas
She was the only one in my elementary school years to believe in me and pushed me. She was the sweetest and changed my life. We just heard about this, the whole family sends our condolences. She made a change in many young lives, memorable to this day.
December 17, 2022
Graham Williamson
I went to Norwood Park School with Kathy. There, in Grade 8, (1965) I was amazed at her piano playing abilities as I had absolute none! Our music teacher, Mr. Wallace so often had Kathy playing the piano in his room to assist in his teaching efforts. Kathy was definitely a most gifted musician. I never told anyone at the time but Kathy was my vicarious role model for my oldest daughter, whom I guided to studying the piano and its music. My daughter did quite well but I always had Kathy on a musical pedestal. I'm just so sorry that I was never able to tell Kathy of her musical impact on my daughter and me. It was only today, December 17, 2022 that I learned of her passing. My sincere condolences to Kathy's family. The world is a much better place for Kathy's passing through.
May 03, 2022
James Fast
Having learned now of Katherine's passing, I will share Katherine's enormous influence on my life in music. Katherine helped me to prepare for a life in music, and I am grateful for her guidance, and her care for students like me. Katherine helped me for a short time, sharing her wisdom and insight in music, when I was studying grade 9 piano. My previous teacher had retired suddenly, due to health reasons, and I was left without a teacher to help me prepare for my upcoming examination. She drove to Leamington weekly to teach me, although she lived in Windsor, and I was blessed to have her guidance. She helped me to become the musician I had hoped to be. I continue to remember and share with others some of the unique insights she instilled in me, particularly her way of explaining critically important technique which allowed the increasing of speed. She encouraged me, and helped me to discover my own expression, which I had only begun to discover before her influence and encouragement. I am sure I wouldn't have been able to access my true depth of expression without her encouragement and support. I hope this message of condolence and thanks finds the entire family at peace. I thank God for people like Katherine.
February 24, 2022
Jessica Sandal
Ms.Sametz was my favourite teacher growing up. I never forgot her in my years as I grew. She was the first teacher to spark my imagination, introduce Mamma Mia, teach me the importance of journalling, and remind me to do my best in this world. Her piano playing was my favourite thing about her. Teaching me how soothing I found music to as my adult years crept in. I had such beautiful memories from her class when I was in Grade 3 (2003-2004). Thank you Ms.Sametz for being such a big influence in my life. It saddens me to know she is no long with us, my deepest and sincere condolences go out to her family and friends. May her beautiful spirit rest in peace.
April 18, 2021
Paula and Tom Rose
Dear Sametz Family, Our hearts are breaking as we hear the news that Kathy has passed. We send our condolences and prayers to the family and share with you that we will always have gratitude and fond memories of our days with the Sametz family. Kathy was such a beautiful and special person. We knew her to be brilliantly talented, gentle, passionate, funny, poised, generous and loving. She was a natural leader and mentor. Strong and brave. We are especially grateful that Kathy touched our lives with her “matchmaking skills“ as we recall her words of wisdom spoken on our wedding day 30 years ago. Kathy will always have a very special place in our hearts. We wish much peace and love to the family. Paula and Tom Rose
December 18, 2020
Raya Shadursky
Rose, Gloria and Walter, my deepest condolences to all of you. Katherine, will be with you always as you recall a word, phrase, musical note or event by her. She is now in a place of no pain or worry and will be looking after you. Vichnaya Pamyat
December 15, 2020
Nadia Smylski
Kathy brought so much joy into this world and her life was too brief. I will always cherish the memories of happy times and laughter that I shared with her. I am so sorry for her family's tragic loss.
December 09, 2020
Ken Williams, Dave Williams
We are praying that God will give you strength and comfort when you need it, and that the love of friends and family will sustain you during this very sad time. Kathy was such a warm, joyful person, we loved her loving hugs and beautiful smile... she will be sadly missed. Our prayers, thoughts and love are with you all.
December 08, 2020
Bruce and Cathy Krieger
From those of us who knew you, Kathy, we say Thank You... For allowing us to see and feel your sweet spirit... And sharing your world-class musical talent... And for being such an incredible friend to us all. We're left here, behind, to ask why you're gone so soon... But we know the souls of Heaven are rejoicing with you in their midst; Because they know that this was your natural final resting place all along. Let us not grieve too long at your passing... Let us celebrate your flight to a place where pain no longer exists. You were a wonderful daughter, mother, sister and friend...And we Thank You. To all the Sametz Family, our hearts are broken for you all at the loss of such a kind-hearted, sweet and talented soul. We were so sorry to hear the news, but so thankful that Kathy is now free from pain. Heaven is now a better place... May you treasure all those wonderful memories, as we too have so many fond memories of our times together. Our thought and prayers are with you all...Hold each other tight and feel our hugs... Know that we love you all and wish that we could be with you during this time. May God bless and keep you, With much love, The Texas Krieger's... Bruce, Cathy, Matt, Carly and Jeremy
December 08, 2020
Chrissy and Graham
Dear Sasha, Jamie, Gloria, Aunt Rose and family, Our hearts go out to you at this time. We are deeply saddened, but also so grateful to have had Kathy in our lives. She was very special to us. She always took me under her wing and was so loving to me. We have many fond memories. Her beauty both inside and out were always apparent. She always looked radiant with her beautiful hair, always put together outfits, and of course best of all her beautiful smile. She was even more radiant when engaged in a serious discussion, laughing over a good story or joke, singing or playing the piano. May she continue to keep you and all of us under her wings as a beautiful radiant angel in heaven. Vichnaya Pamyat. Love, Chrissy and Graham
December 08, 2020
Katharine & David Meister
To Sasha, Jamie, Gloria, Aunt Rose and family: we are sad to lose Kathy too soon. She will be dearly missed. Her personality and smile always filled the room. We will forever remember her radiance, musical spirit and shining personality. Love, Katharine and Dave
December 08, 2020
Annette Hinrichs-Pymm
Katherine was special to so many of us. Her thoughtful & caring ways made those around her smile and feel confident in their many talented ways. She mentored Martin's early singing career, accompanied him when he needed an accompanist. I will never forget our endless conversations or rides to work together during snowy days. May she rest in peace and may you always feel comfort knowing that her kindness, wit, intellect and generosity made a difference.
December 08, 2020
Michael & Kimberly Bishop
My loving cousin Katherine, You are and will always be missed by Michael and Kimberly, you will always have a special place in lives. You touched so many people with your kindness and musical and personal talents. Every time I play or hear piano music I will be thinking of you, you remain in our hearts forever. All our thoughts and prayers are with the Sametz, Yarosil, and Chewchuck families ad extended families. Love to all.
December 08, 2020
Mishchenko Family
Dear Rose, Sasha, James, Gloria, Walter, and Family: On behalf of our family, please accept our sympathies. Whenever we saw Kathy, the first thing you noticed was how her warm and genuine smile lit up the room. That’s the way we’ll always remember her. May she Rest In Peace. Love, Nick, Annie, and Natalie
December 08, 2020
Natalka Semehen
Sasha & Jeremy, Your mom was a wonderful woman, always had a kind word and a great smile. My Please accept my heartfelt condolences to all you and your family.
December 08, 2020
Heather Flinn
Kathy was a treasured friend from university days at Mac music department. She was always kind, and giving and so very talented and full of the joy of life. Beautiful inside and out. What a sad thing to have her go so soon but a great joy to have known her. My deepest condolences to her entire family.
December 08, 2020
Tasia Aubie
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Sasha & Jamie. Lots of love, Tasia & Aubie Family xo
December 07, 2020
Shahida Fazal
May God give you all strength during this difficult time. Ms. Sametz was an incredibly vibrant woman who always greeted everyone with a smile, loads of love, and in the language of their faith/culture. In my case, it was always with “Salam”! When my son was in Grade 2 for the talent show he shared some jokes and one of them went something like this: “Why is Ms. Sametz so good at baseball?” “I don’t know, why?” “Because she has the perfect pitch!” We all have great memories of her and she has touched so many students, families, and staff! She will be truly missed!
December 07, 2020
Sharon Swenson
My sincerest condolences to Katherine's family. I'm having difficulty processing the loss of this beautiful person. A perpetual light always emanated from Katherine's soul. She radiated a warmth and vitality which made me feel so happy in her presence. She was extremely talented and loved to envelope others in her love for music. Loved her wit! Loved her joyous spirit! What a tremendous loss to all those who knew and loved her. May your soul rest in peace my dear Katherine. May God bless.
December 07, 2020
Daniel & Lydia Huzyk
Although we regret we did not have the privilege of knowing Katherine, our immediate thoughts include Rosalia, Gloria and Walter, with whom we are acquainted. Please accept our mere offering of very sincere condolences on Kathy's passing. We trust that you have many treasured memories to help sustain you in your bereavement; and that your profound faith shall continue to be an anchor for you and your extended family members. May her soul find true peace with the Almighty, and may she continue to make music with the angels. Vichna Pamiat'!
December 07, 2020
Denny Suh
Sending our love, prayers and fond memories of Ms. Sametz. We miss you! and will always remember your infectious smile, kindness and inclusivity!!! Grade 7/8a class 2020-2021 (Aldergrove Public School)
December 07, 2020
Rod,Valya and family
The best reflection of a person's lifetime accomplishments is the legacy of the children.Jamie and Sasha have sacrificed it all to be the best caregivers for Katrusia to the very end.That says it all!
December 07, 2020
Andy Bishop
To all of Kathys family . My cousin was a leader in our family some one I looked up to growing up . She lived a big life . Not having older siblings I had older cousins to learn from . Their favorite movies were all John Wayne the tough guy . They always laughed and it said to me the wold is a good place to be . The beauty of her playing came from years of hard work . The Sametz family seems to be blessed with good genes but it’s the hard work that makes us all shine and Kathy taught us that . I know I will always have her laughter with me and we can all pass on her spirit to the next generation of our great family Love you all Andy
December 07, 2020
Roxanne and Clint
Roxanne and I feel your sadness as deeply as you do. We have many memories of Kathy. Every memory is filled with Joy, Happiness and Love! We imagine that is true for everyone who knew Kathy. We love all of you.
December 07, 2020
Fatima Chishti
Ms Sametz was my grade 3 teacher and was also in charge of the choir club at my school. The words to “Amazing Grace” and “Hark! How the Bells” is always at the tip of my tongue thanks to her. She had a tremendous talent for music and she was so lively and spirited that it always me feel so happy. I will always remember her as my favourite teacher. She will always be an important person in my life and I will always remember as a role model and an inspiration. She grew my love for music and there is not enough words to describe her grace and beauty that she showed in every single thing she did. I am so proud of the work she did and didn’t know that she was so talented even before becoming such an amazing teacher. I just wish I knew her better because I could never forget who she was. God bless her soul and may she blessed with the highest ranks of heaven. Rest In Peace Ms. Sametz.
December 07, 2020
Karin Anderson
The World is a little bit darker with this beautiful bright light no longer here, but where she is now ....the lightness has grown immeasurably. I will miss her greatly ...but I know she rests within my heart, and will help guide me to be the best I can be ...as I think...."What would Katherine do in this situation?"
December 07, 2020
Jean Ochrym
Our deepest sympathy to the family on the passing of Katherine Zenovia Sametz. We will always remember her as a beautiful, kind woman who not only attended church and community events but shared her talents as an accomplished pianist to an appreciative audience, Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this sad time. Sincerely The Ochrym Family
December 07, 2020
Alla Shklar
Dearest Mrs. Sametz and Gloria, I am so saddened of learning of Katherine's passing. Please accept my deepest condolences during this very painful time for your families.May she fly with the Angels. Vichnaya Pamyiat.
December 07, 2020
Vera and Oleh Hutzuliak-Belkin
Dear Slawka, Walter and family. On behalf of the choir members at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Ottawa, please accept our sincere condolences for the loss of your dear Katherine. She appears to have been a wonderful person.
December 07, 2020
Dyanne Semogas
Dear Rose, Gloria, Sasha, Jamie, Clara and family, Whenever I hear Beethoven especially Piano Concerto #3, I will remember her. Whenever I eat Chinese Food and wear a silly costume, I will remember her. Whenever I look at the pictures of astronauts on the moon, I will remember her. Whenever I sing “Oy, chorna, ya sy chorna, I will remember her. I will remember her wit, her smile, that mischievous grin. Her pure heart and kind soul. What an extraordinary light you were my dear Olga. You brought such joy and lightened hearts. To read about the many lives Kathy has touched is to know that her legacy shall live on through all the young “sparks”she ignited. What an honour it was for all of us to have known and loved such beauty. She is dancing now with the blessed. Dyanne (Alice)
December 07, 2020
Deepest condolences for her family I like her smile and talking kindly We miss you Ms.Sametz.
December 07, 2020
I am deeply sorry about the loss of a beloved teacher. Ms Sametz was my first music teacher at Aldergrove. She was very talented, kind, caring and was such an amazing person. I still remember her from choir, and how we sang many songs, especially the song "Christmas time is here" as I dearly remember the most. Ms Sametz had been an encouraging teacher who believed in all of us students and was so proud in teaching us music. She was the light that made my days better, and I'll always remember her passion for different kinds of cultures, not to forget her cheerful humour, too. Some of these words can't even describe how much of a delightful teacher she was. The most wonderful memory I will always remember about her was reading and re-creating the story of "Ming Lo moves the Mountain" in grade 1. Ms Sametz, I will never forget your beautiful singing, your melodious piano skills, and your heart-warming smile. There will never be a music teacher here at school that can replace all the things that made you a confident and heart-warming teacher. May you continue to sing and play the piano in our hearts, and my deepest sympathy to your family.
December 07, 2020
Natalie Spolsky-Tomcio and Lesia Spolsky
Dear Pani Sametz, Slavka and family. May God give you strength. Our prayers are with you. May Katrusia's memory be eternal.
December 07, 2020
Athushan Ranjitkumar
I am so sorry to hear that Ms.Sametz has passed away. She was a very cheerful and hard working teacher who motivated me to try new things. I was in her class in grade 2 which made me connect with her even more than a teacher. She became a sincere role model for me. She was a super talented musician who was the person that ran the choir at Aldergrove Public School. I used to ask her advice for extra curricular activities that I could do and she was happy to give me advice. She made me speak up more because in grade 2, I used to be a quiet kid who just used to talk when she asked me a question. But when I entered her class, I was talking and answering questions non-stop. Ms. Sametz has really made me the person who I am today. She was very kind and had a contagious smile. A time I will remember most was when I was having a bad day and she asked me what was wrong. She helped me find a solution to the problem. I had a way better day after talking with her. She helped cheer me up with her smile. Meeting her was an honour and a gift. I will never forget her. My heartfelt condolences to her family. May her soul rest in peace.
December 07, 2020
Dear Ms.Sametz’s family, My deepest condolences to those who love and will miss her. My name is Olivia, I was a student of Ms.Sametz in grade 4, 2016. She was always happy when teaching us and mostly when she would talk about her family. It’s very sad that she is no longer here with us but that she may be resting in a better place. She was a wonderful person. She was very joyful and energetic and she would always encourage me and our class to try out for activities we didn’t know we would enjoy. She was always looking forward to learning words in different languages. She would always say hi to my mother in our first language (portuguess) and she would ask her how to say other words and in class to different students as well. She had very creative ideas and made inspiring drama shows in our school. Whenever I think of her I always remember for ‘crazy hair day’ she had a bird nest on her hair! She also had an amazing voice, it was always lovely hearing her sing the O’Canada in the morning. She will truly be missed. Sincerely, Olivia.
December 07, 2020
Ms. Sametz was a very kind, cheerful and encouraging person. Her energy never failed to bring a smile to our faces. I was in her music class one year and she always made it a fun and happy experience. She was very loved in Aldergrove Public School and she made special connections with many people. She is in a better place now but she will be really missed here. I am thankful that I got to meet her and be in her music class and I hope you are doing okay after this loss.
December 07, 2020
Myroslava & Pavlo Czurylowicz
Our sincere condolences to the family. May Katherine Rest In Peace and her memory be eternal. Вічная пам‘ять!
December 07, 2020
Dear Ms. Sametz's family, I am very sorry to hear that Ms. Sametz passed away. There are not enough words to describe her who was a mentor and how motivational she was for everything we did. Like many students from Aldergrove, I am really grateful to be one of those many students who had the amazing opportunity to learn music from Ms.Sametz who was a great inspiration to me because of her cheerfulness, funny and positive personality. I vividly remember being a part of choirs that Ms.Sametz passionately led and she always brought lots of energy to every single choir practice and that made every person feel included/motivated. She was the first music teacher that truly encouraged me to keep trying in many school choir performances. Ms. Sametz is in a good place now and we will all miss her presence. I will deeply miss her but I am very thankful to have experienced these positive memories with Ms. Sametz as an amazing role-model.
December 07, 2020
Azania Smith
Dear Ms.Sametz and her family, Ms.Sametz was a very wonderful, inspiring and hard working person. I didn't know her for long but from the time I did know her it was a blessing. The first time we met she was asking me my name and when I told her she was telling me how beautiful my name was to her. She was explaing how I should love my name because it's so nice. I will forever remember what she said to me about my name. Her smile and her laugh will warm my heart when I think of it. Thinking of you . Ms.Sametz .
December 07, 2020
I remember the last time we talked to each other was last year and she was smiling at me and I loved her smile. Iḿ so happy that you have been my teacher. I will miss your smile. I loved when you taught me music, I loved when you smiled at me, I loved when you chatted with me and I love you. Thank you for teaching me in grade 4.
December 07, 2020
Victor Vuong
I was in Mrs. Sametz’s grade 3 class seventeen years ago. She was the first teacher who I felt truly believed in me. She left a lasting impact in my life these years later. I learned to sing in choir under her tenure, I really got into reading because of her (she encouraged me to read the Magic Treehouse Series which I learned to love), but most importantly, I felt like somebody after her class. She made me feel like I was special, that I was somebody. I remember vividly of my time in her class. One time, apples were being handed out for snacks, but I had braces on and my teeth really hurt. I told Mrs. Sametz and she went and chopped up the apple into small slices so I could eat them. Another time, we were doing some type of class on apples, and Mrs. Sametz brought in all the different sorts of apples so we could sample each, observe the differences, and figure out what type of apple we liked the most. And, I remember the movies we watched (The Secret Garden, The Black Stallion) on the TV wheeled in and the snacks she brought in for us to munch on (ice cream, buttered Ritz crackers). Mrs. Sametz truly cared about every single one of her students, and she spoiled us all. Mrs. Sametz was the first teacher to notice my computer skills. She supported me on growing my skills and gave me opportunities to use the computer whenever she could. When there were any computer issues, she sent for me, even when I was no longer in her class. It was little things like this that I remember seventeen years later. Today, I work at Microsoft HQ as a Software Engineer on Augmented Reality. I don’t think that either of us saw this coming, but when I visited her a few years back, she told me that I was “brilliant” years ago, even when I didn’t think so myself. She was one of the first to support me and encourage me. I will always remember. Thank you for everything, Mrs. Sametz. I will truly miss you.
December 07, 2020
She was an amazing human being, an amazing teacher and an amazing mentor who always motivated me to give my best. I hope she is in the good place now, and she is watching us. I feel lucky because I was one of her students and I got to know her personally. Her love for music made me grateful because her personality is one of a kind. Everyone is going to miss her presence.
December 07, 2020
Elisa Lau (Aldergrove Class of 2009)
I was really blessed to have Ms. Sametz as my Gr. 3 teacher at Aldergrove. It was my first year transitioning from another school, and she helped me make new friends and instilled an enjoyment of learning that has persisted even after my graduate degree. Condolences to your family, she will be missed.
December 07, 2020
Marianna Zaparyniuk
Dear Pani Sametz, Slavka, Sasha, Jamie, Katya and family. It is hard to believe that Kathy is no longer with us and the words to express the loss many are feeling do not come easily. We have known each other since we were children and though our paths took us in different directions, it was always easy to pick-up where we left off whenever we met at some function. Her warmth, infectious laughter, talent and ability to connect with people will always be remembered. It is never easy to loose someone you love and I pray that during this difficult time, the loving memories you all have of good times spent will comfort you and live in your hearts forever. My heartfelt condolences to all of you. Marianna Zaparyniuk Вічна її Пам’ять 🙏🏻🙏🏻.
December 07, 2020
Leo Yang
I hope you are doing well with your loss.
December 07, 2020
Hi Katherine sametz family I am a student that she taught music to. She was a really nice teacher here and music class would be a class to relax in for me. I wish you good luck.
December 07, 2020
Liv Poyner (Ramlochan)
To my Beloved Ms. Sametz, Firstly, I would like to convey my utmost and heartfelt condolences to the entire Sametz family on the passing of her wonderful soul. May her soul attain liberation and may she be embraced by the Supreme Lord with open arms and warm-loving energy. My name is Liv Poyner (Ramlochan) and I was a fellow student of Ms. Sametz (and also her favourite student too... shh...) She taught me in grade four and was also my choir conductor for many years. It has been extremely hard to process this loss as she was so near and dear to my heart. If it weren't through the Grace of God, sending her into my life to change and transform me, I would not be the person I am today. It has been six years since I graduated from elementary school and we still kept in touch regularly and fortunately, we saw each other frequently. I would like to take this opportunity as I cannot be there in person to send the Blessings of God to honour the beautiful soul that she was. Ms. Sametz was an earthly angel. She possessed the warmest smile and her laugh was very contagious. She gained so much respect because she conveyed respect to every soul she met. She was one of the most talented musicians I was so fortunate to have crossed paths with. Her music spoke a language that deeply touched your soul and raised your pores. Her expressions were Divine, mystical, and effortless. Not forgetting that her creativity was unique, and she always had a glowing aura. She loved every culture she could learn about and she took the interest to honour everyone's religion and culture. This is how she conveyed her salutations to every soul she met. When Ms. Sametz and I first met and interacted, she observed something within me that could not stop her from taking an interest in flourishing my talents and shaping me into the best person I could possibly be. She inspired me in my scholarly, musical, and spiritual aspirations. Someone once beautifully told me, "when you have been given a chance to help someone, make sure you do it gracefully and willingly as it is God working through you to answer somebody else's prayers." This statement reflects the epitome of selflessness we were blessed to experience from her. This was Ms. Sametz's purpose. She was always positive no matter what the situation transpired, she overlooked the idea of "tribulations" and always saw it as a way to grow in life. She did not only help me in my academics and personal life (which is a very beautiful story on its own), but she helped anybody that needed love, support, and a warm hug of comfort knowing that things will be OK. There are many touching stories of Divine acts that she was the instrument of when it came to helping anyone in need. This is something we all can never forget. She never expected anything in return, but I am certain that she has received the Grace of God and His blessings for all the deeds she performed during her lifetime. She had a big purpose in this world and I am SO BLESSED she served a purpose in my life, as she was my role-model, and a loving mother to me. Ms. Sametz was very proud of her family, she always spoke very highly of her children for who they have become in character and in career. She was blessed to have received a beautiful baby grand-daughter who she loved so much and proudly spoke of. She served her family and honoured her ancestors through her deeds. May you all find strength and comfort in the Almighty, may He bless and protect you all. As I am so fortunate to have experienced her Grace, she will always remain alive in my heart, and I yearn to meet her in heaven where things are blissful and pure. I will continue to live the qualities she has instilled in me, I will continue to make her proud – knowing she will be watching down on me, showering God's Grace and Blessings. She will forever remain my loving angel. This is not a goodbye, but us merely parting ways physically. You have moved on to the beyond and cosmic energy, where you will continue to protect and lead us through the heavenly regions. We will never forget you and we will always honour you. I can't imagine my life without you, but I know that I will always love you. May God Bless Your Loving Soul. Love always, Your Livvie. As you used to tell me, "Hari Om Tat Sat"
December 06, 2020
Sunny Tsui
I'm so sorry to hear that Mrs. Sametz has passed. I was in her grade 3 class at Aldergrove Public School around 17 years ago and it was the first class I was in after changing schools. I remember the effort Mrs. Sametz put into getting me engaged and talking in class. I wanted to write this to tell you how much I appreciated what she did for not only myself, but hundreds of students. A few of my classmates and I have decided to donate to the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation in honor of her name. My deepest sympathies to you and your family.
December 06, 2020
Daria Olynyk
Rosalia, Slavka, Sasha, Jamie, Katya and family. There are no words that properly can convey our feelings. Katrusia was a talented, intelligent and perceptive person who cared so much for her own family and her wider family through the various communities to which she was committed - music, teaching, church, and the arts. She appreciated beauty, culture and artistic expression. Katrusia had a depth of character that was rare and often provided unique insights. Her soul and spirit will always endure and provide a guiding light for those who knew and loved her. Words cannot adequately express the the heartfelt sorrow we feel for you and your entire family. Our love surrounds and supports you all. Вічна їй пам’ять. With sincerest condolences, Daria and Mark Olynyk
December 06, 2020
Bonnie Tseng (Class of 2009)
Sincere condolences to the Sametz and Jarosil family. Like many students from Aldergrove, Mrs. Sametz was my first music teacher and beloved choir conductor. I remember she brought so much energy and fun to choir practice, and made us feel like stars at school performances. She was a wonderful teacher and will be dearly missed.
December 06, 2020
Irene Kavanagh
My dear Gloria - I write with great sadness after learning of Katherine's passing--a devastating loss to your family. The generosity, hospitality, and kindnesses that you, Katherine, and your dear parents always showed to me during the years I lived in Hamilton, have remained in my mind and heart. Katherine's exquisite musicianship will remain a cherished memory, as will the lively spirits and thoughtfulness of the beautiful Sametz sisters. May her memory be a blessing to all fortunate enough to have known her. I send you and your family my most heartfelt condolences during this painful time. Words can't express the depth of loss, but love and good memories can soften the path of time.
December 06, 2020
fr. Wasyl and dobr. Larysa
Dear Pani Sametz and family, Our prayers are with you during this difficult time. May God give you the strength to bear your loss, and may Katherines’s memory be eternal. Вічна її Пам’ять 🙏🏻🙏🏻
December 06, 2020
Penny Glencross
I did supply teaching at Aldergrove for many years. Katherine was a beautiful lady who would ask for me as she knew I would understand her class. I was very sad to hear the news of her passing. She was an inspiration to her students and a friend to all!
December 06, 2020
Ted and Susan bishop
Dear Aunt Rose, Jamie, Sasha, Gloria and family. We are deeply saddened to hear of the loss of Katherine and will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers . May the Good Lord comfort you during this difficult time.
December 06, 2020
Tamara and Victor Koszarny
Dear Sametz and Jarosil families Please accept our sincerest and deepest condolences on the loss of your beloved daughter, sister, mother, grandmother and aunt. We are saddened with the passing of Katherine who was a wonderful and joyful person. May Almighty God welcome her into His Kingdom in Heaven. Vichnaya Pamyat! Tamara and Victor Koszarny
December 06, 2020
Dear Pani Rosalia, Sasha, Jamie, Gloria, Walter, Katia and family. Please accept our sincere and most heartfelt condolences on the loss of your beautiful Katherine. She was kind, gifted and a truly gentle person and will.be missed by all of us. May our Lord God accept her home and may He bless all of you and help you during this difficult time. Our prayers are with you. Vichnaya Pamyat. With love to you all George, Halyna and Anton Strohyj, Liza Zwirchowsky, Alexandra Baczynskyj
December 06, 2020
ELizabeth Smyth
My deepest sympathy Mrs. Sametz, James and Alexandra, Gloria and Walter. on the loss of this beautiful, talented, wonderful, amazing woman who was my dear friend for over 50 years.
December 06, 2020
Michael & Nancy Prychitko
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss. May you find peace and comfort in your cherished memories of Katherine.
December 06, 2020
Stefan and Oksana Rewa
Vichnaya Pamyat, our most sincere condolences
December 06, 2020
Khrystyna & Oleksa Rewa
Sasha, Jamie and your entire family, Please accept our most sincere condolences from Khrystyna and myself as well as my entire family. I can't imagine how difficult this must have been, especially in the times of COVID, but we heard that everyone was at least about to be with her at in the end. Vichanaya Pamyat!
December 06, 2020
John F. Bodnarchuk
Rose my Mother and I send our condolences and prayers to you for your loss. Katherine is now with Jesus and her Father and kind Grandfather. Sincerely, Mary Bodnarchuk and John Jr.