
March 25, 2017
2 - 5 p.m.


March 25, 2017
Visitation Only

Burial / Entombment / Cremation

Private Cremation


March 31, 2017
Dear Lawrence, When I said good bye to you at Heathrow in September, I never thought this would be the last time we see each other and that you really were going to fly away. Working with you on Solar Orbiter and sharing the same office at Imperial College for four years has left me with much found memories, which I will always cherish and remember. Your smiles and cheerful attitude even during your battle in the last year is something that all of us should learn from. You will live in our thoughts and your name will literally be carried onboard the solar orbiter spacecraft to orbit the Sun. I am reminded of this poem: “This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief.” Your friend and colleague, Nasir To the Soung Yee family, please accept my sincere and heartfelt condolences.
March 28, 2017
Chris Hodgkinson
I was shocked and saddened to hear of Lawrence's passing. I remember a great person. Brilliant, but more importantly I think, generous and compassionate. I won't forget his ready smile and spirited laughter. Memories of Lawrence shall stay with me and his positive influence in this world will last forever. Chris Hodgkinson "PVU" classmate at UofW Wiarton, Ontario
March 25, 2017
Mathieu Buchkremer
Dear Lawrence and family, my deepest, and most heartfelt condolences to all of you. Lawrence was an amazing person. I had the chance to meet him as a PhD student, while we were both researching and teaching in Belgium. I will always remember him for his love for science & badminton, for wishing to make our world better, and for smiling no matter the challenges to be faced. He has been an exemple to me, and I will always be sincerely grateful to him for his kindness and advice. My condolences. Godspeed, my friend.
March 25, 2017
Steve R. Hreha, Retired teacher, Champlain College, St. Lambert
I knew Lawrence when He was in my TOK class at Champlain in the late 90s. I have fond memories of Lawrence - his smile and quiet demeanor, his sharp intelligence, his kindness. He was well liked by his classmates. I offer you my heartfelt condolences on your immeasurable loss.
March 25, 2017
Anthony Chan Leng
Our deepest condolences to the family. Our prayers and thoughts are with you.- Anthony Chan Leng and mum.
March 25, 2017
Charlie Rossi
Dear Soung Yee family, My deepest condolences for your loss. Lawrence was the most amazing man and I know how proud you must be of who he became. I have so many memories from Waterloo, travelling to Utah and Europe with him and many an adventure or time hanging out. Lawrence always had a smile, was always willing to try new things, always had kind words and was always willing to be there for his friends. He was an example of how to appreciate life to his friends, how to enjoy the moment and how people should treat each other. I have so many amazing memories, and the most powerful was in even in the face of his adversity, of how difficult his struggle must have been, that he was still positive, still happy Lawrence, still asking about others when he must have know people were worried about him. I am not sure and only hope I could be that strong. The world lost someone it shouldn't have, you lost someone you shouldn't have, but know that a piece of him lives in all of us because he had that kind of touch on peoples lives. My deepest, most sincere and heartfelt condolences...
March 24, 2017
William Switzer
My sincerest condolences to the whole family. It has been nearly 20 years since I last saw you, but you are not forgotten. -Will
March 24, 2017
Marijana Juras
Dear family of Lawrence, I was going to write a few words on how Lawrence touched my life and how I felt about him. I thought it was very important that you know, that you know exactly what kind of a person he was. I wanted you to hear the adjectives: warm, kind, humble, funny, smart, curious, observant, caring. And then I read all the testimonials and start weeping of sadness and joy combined. It seems all of us saw right through him, not just me. He simply was the best of us. He was. And under his warm influence, I was always a better person myself. And if Lawrence meant so much to us, I can only imagine what he meant to you. I am very sorry for your great loss.
March 24, 2017
Pierre-Etienne Frigot
Dear family Soung Yee, I've been very saddened by the passing of Lawrence. I would like to convey my condolences to his family and friends. We met each other in the Netherlands in 2004 when we worked as young graduate trainee at ESA. Although Lawrence appeared a shy person at first, I discovered a funny and very clever man during the many parties and pub reunions we have been during this crazy year in Leiden. It was with great pleasure I met Lawrence again in 2014 in Scotland. He hadn't changed a bit and we had as much fun as at the first YGT party 10 years after. I think I have never seen Lawrence without a smile on his face. And this is how I will remember him. With my deepest sympathy, Pierre-Etienne (Paris, France)
March 24, 2017
Mathieu Quatrevalet
Dear parents of Lawrence. You might remember me from a night out in Amsterdam, when you came to visit Lawrence in Holland and kindly invited a few of us to the restaurant with him. I was part of the same group of friends as Nuria, who wrote earlier in the memorial book. I was involved in the same European trips and countless nights out in Holland or in Belgium with "Loz", as he used to be known in our little circle. I could not have better described Lawrence's character than Nuria or others, yet I will try to add my own words. I believe what drew people to him, and what transpires from the messages of others was his unique mix of kindness and humbleness, and yet powerfully positive, peaceful radiance. Behind a veil of reservedness, he was a genuine "bon vivant" with a very sharp sense of humour, and was always ready to listen, to help or to share his own interests, of which he had many. That perfect balance between modesty, straightforwardness and wit made it so pleasant to be around him. Lawrence was one of these people you stay in contact with for your whole life. My thoughts go to his family in this difficult moment.
March 24, 2017
Valerie Decuyper-Martin
Dear Lawrence, Ten years ago to the day, we were having that hilarious Wii evening at JL’s – one of the first of such countless happy times shared over the next few years, before you went to London and I went to Australia. Today I have been overwhelmed with sadness after the shock of hearing that you were gone, after a battle I was unaware of and wish I could have somehow supported you through, if only in some small way, from the other side of the world. But this morning there were hot air balloons flying over Melbourne, and I thought this must be you now – visiting us here as I always thought you would, and exploring the world as you loved to do, taking beautiful pictures along the way. So today I am thankful, too, because I am struck by the number of memories that are here to cherish and remind me of how lucky I feel to have crossed your path. And so I wanted to write you this because I know your heart will hear it, and I want you to know how much you have meant to me and many others I know. You were one of the kindest, gentlest, most generous souls I have known, and your presence in my life truly nurtured my belief in good people and how they make the world a better place. You were always ready to make a new friend, discover a new place, win or lose another pub quiz, sing a new song, do a silly dance, work on our bowling skills, take a chance on a new concert (or a whole music festival – Werchter!), and also share all those things you loved. You introduced me to Dave Matthews Band and Angus & Julia Stone; you let me ramble on about Australia and the English language; you talked about Canada, made us try squeaky “poutine” and even got me to enjoy following the World Cup! Your life was too short, but you lived it to the full and blessed so many people along the way with your warmth and your laughter. I admire you forever for your amazing attitude to life and friendships, and only wish it could have all lasted a lot longer. I will be in Belgium in a few weeks and I know a bunch of us, both from ILV and other circles, will be getting together to raise our glass to wonderful you, who will be in our hearts forever. Much love to you… et bon vent, dans la montgolfière… I’ll be looking up. To your family - my thoughts are with you. Much love, Valerie
March 24, 2017
Shamil Parmar
Dear Lawrence, Thank you for being our friend and sharing your smile and kindness. We wish you a nice journey, we are sure wherever you are, you fill the place with love. Your spirit will always shine on Wednesday's weekly badminton. Big kiss from Brussels. Theo, Irina and Shamil
March 24, 2017
Nadia Ham Pong
My condolences on such a tragic loss. Lawrence was a kind and wonderful person. His friendship and support meant a great deal to me during my time in London. My thoughts and prayers go to Lawrence and his family.
March 24, 2017
Nuria Alfaro
I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I met Lawrence in the Netherlands, we were part of the YGT group together in ESTEC, and then we shared a flat for a short time when I moved in with him and James. I will always remember Lawrence as having a smile on his face. He always seemed to be content, and he never had a bad word to say about anything or anyone. Even when we saw him this summer in the midst of his battle, he was still smiling and laughing, and joining in in every activity. During the YGT years we did several trips together as a group, Prague, Munich, Morvain, they would not have been the same without him, and I will cherish those memories now. Lawrence was a very special person and I feel very fortunate to have met him and have been able to get to know him. He will be very much missed by us all. Much love to you all, Nuria
March 24, 2017
Rob Pearson-Wright
To Lawrence's family...Anthony, Ma and Pa...we're gonna miss him like crazy. Never a nicer bloke will we meet. From all his friends in London, UK much love and whole hearted condolences. So long Spaceman. It's been a pleasure to call you a friend Lawrence, to chuck around a frisbee with you, watch movies together, go to pub quizzes, ski down runs, watch football by the fireplace in pubs and just shoot the breeze. You'll be missed mate, by myself and so many many others. See you amongst the stars. Rob Pearson-Wright xoxo
March 24, 2017
Barbara Chin
I had the privilege of being in the TAG program with Lawrence in high school and remember him fondly. He was genuinely kind (most likely the nicest person I have met), incredibly smart (but so humble), and just an overall interesting person. He definitely made an impression on those who were fortunate enough to cross paths with him.. I am deeply saddened by his passing and offer my sincerest condolences to his family and friends.
March 24, 2017
Iris and Taky
Sorry to hear about Lawrence... he was such a kind person. My husband and I were his classmates in Cegep in the IB program. Will pray for peace and comfort for your family during this difficult time. Iris and Taky
March 24, 2017
Man-Yee (Friend from IB, Cegep)
Truly sad to hear of Lawrence's passing. He was such a smart, serene and kind soul. I'll remember him always. My deepest condolences to Lawrence's family.
March 23, 2017
Dear Family of Lawrence, Please accept my most sincere and most heartfelt condolences on this extremely sad day. I am in disbelief. I look at the name of the book I am writing in and the words escape me. I met Lawrence while he was a Ph.D. student in Belgium, through a friend who was an English teacher in Louvain-la-Neuve. We went to outdoors Shakespeare plays, to rock festivals, we shared food and played games and talked a lot. Then Lawrence moved to London, and I met up with him there several times, whenever I was visiting and he was available. I remember more plays, and more food, and some long walks through Kensington. I remember him telling me about a recent family cruise, and his life in London. He showed me the building where he worked. Those were such good times. The kind of simple and sincere good times you can have with truly good people, of which Lawrence most certainly was one. We weren't in touch often, but there was no reason why our friendship should end one day. I tried to see Lawrence again last October, but he said he wouldn't be available. He didn't say anything more. I didn't know he was fighting, and I struggle with that today. Knowing what I know about him, I am positive that Lawrence put up the bravest and most dignified fight one can imagine. I so wish I could have tried and brought him some support, however insignificant. My heart goes out to you, today, and for a long time to come. OnSaturday, I will listen to some Radiohead songs Lawrence, Valérie and I heard together at Werchter festival in 2008 and feel lucky to have known such a beautiful person. I hope you find a lot of strength and love in each other through this very difficult time.
March 23, 2017
Alexis Paluch
London is a sadder place without you. Thank you for your kindness and friendship.
March 23, 2017
David and Janina Brennan
We send our condolences to Lawrence's family as we remember our time spent together while we were living in Brussels. He was one of an original group of ultimate frisbee players joining for weekly pick up games at Parc Cinquantenaire. He was a great sport, always patient with new players and genuinely lived "the spirit of the game." He shared many of the same interests in movies, sports and music, which led to us going to see Wilco together at Ancienne Belgique. He shared our excitement and anticipation for the show, which remains one of the most remarkable concerts we've ever been to in our lives. We were extremely grateful Lawrence could join us there and remain a part of this memory. He was truly such a relentlessly polite, open-minded and friendly guy who will be dearly missed. We are pained by the loss of such a wonderful person and grieve for his family and those who were closest to him. David and Janina
March 23, 2017
Cindy Hu Hongxia
RIP, Lawrence! You will stay in our memory forever as a loving n interesting person, n we all enjoyed your company. Deep condolences to your family n other friends. Would love to be there too for the funeral if I were in Canada. Your friend who knew you in Brussels 2007 to 2009.
March 23, 2017
Debby Toye
To Lawrence's family. Our most sincere condolences. From The Toye family
March 23, 2017
Dr. Robert Zee
On behalf of the staff and students at the UTIAS Space Flight Laboratory, I wish to express deepest sympathies to Lawrence's family for their loss. I was Lawrence's academic supervisor when he was a graduate student at UTIAS. I remember that Lawrence was a conscientious worker with a great attitude. He contributed significantly to our space missions at SFL. As one of the very first students at SFL, his work helped shape the future of our lab and opened new opportunities for the staff and students here. He will be remembered as one of the initial contributors in having enabled our lab to offer low-cost space missions to organizations around the world. His work has enabled us to train new generations of space engineers for many years to come. We will pray for your family and for Lawrence. Our thoughts are with you during this difficult period. Sincerely, Dr. Robert E. Zee Director, Space Flight Laboratory UTIAS
March 23, 2017
I knew Lawrence for a short time when he lived in London - he was one of the first people I met here. I only got to be his friend for a couple of years, but he was such a good, kind, intelligent person. I always hoped we would have a chance to reconnect in Toronto in the future, I wish that could have been. My sincerest condolences to his family and friends.
March 23, 2017
Lianna Ishihara
To Lawrence's family: I am so sad to hear that he has passed away. I met him in 2013 in London at the French-English language exchange. He was such a kind, positive person and was always up for joining in the social activities. It was always a pleasure to chat with him and he was very patient with my not so fluent French. I remember once for Thanksgiving dinner at my flat, he found some place in London that had root beer and Dr Pepper, two things I really missed from home (the US) and he brought those along as a surprise. So thoughtful! I didn't get to see him as often since 2015 when I moved to Paris. When he told me back in 2015 that he had been diagnosed with cancer I was shocked. He was too young! He battled it with strength and so much positivity. In January when we last chatted on whatsapp he had told me he was going back to Canada to have more family support for his treatment. He sounded so hopeful that I thought everything was going to be okay. I hope he knew that I really valued him as a friend and was thinking of him. He will be missed and you should know that many people thought he was an amazing person and friend!
March 23, 2017
Caroline Francis
Our hearts and thoughts go out to all Lawrence's family and friends at this very sad time. Lawrence was a much loved part of the frisbee community in London for many, many years and will be deeply missed. Caroline and all of the Ultimately Fabulous Frisbee crew. xxx
March 23, 2017
Pooja Jain
I am deeply saddened by the news of Lawrence's passing. I met him in high school in the TAG program and had the privilege to get to know him and work with him for a few years. He was such a nice and genuine person - a very kind soul.He touched the lives of so many people around him and he displayed nothing but kindness and respect to everyone he met. I am really sorry for your loss and wish you all of the strength to get through this difficult time. -Pooja Jain
March 23, 2017
Our deepest and most heartfelt condolences on Lawrence's passing. We first meet Lawrence when we were all living in Brussels, and we were lucky to have been able to cross paths several times since, in Spain and in London. We are shocked and tremendously sad this morning. Lawrence was a simply wonderful person, who touched so many peoples lives. We are sorry for your loss. Carley & Tom Lupo (Utrecht)