
Daniel Dowbush was born in Windsor, Ontario on October 17th, 1953, and adopted by John and Pawlyna Dowbush, Ukrainians who immigrated to Canada sometime during the 1940s. Daniel grew up on a farm as an only child who was shy during his youth. As he grew older, he became less shy and more outgoing, he would say whatever was on his mind and didn't hold back. As an adult he was a friendly face in his community. He would often be found sitting outside on the porch with a book in his hands, having conversations with the people in his community and anyone who would pass by. His neighbours would joke that he was the neighbourhood watch. Daniel had a passion for reading, and when he wasn't holding a book, he could be found napping with a book resting on his chest. He also had a great interest in computers, knowing several older programming languages and having worked many jobs having to do with computers. Daniel was also a very talented artist; he often painted or drew and he also enjoyed writing poems.  Daniel leaves behind two children, Alex and Tanya Dowbush, who were his pride and joy. Daniel was a good father and his children will never forget the times they all shared together, including bike rides in the parks, museum visits, and movie and pizza nights. His sudden passing is a shock to all and Daniel will be fondly remembered and missed by his family and his community.


June 15, 2020
Cardinal Funeral Home-Annette Chapel
04:00 PM - 06:30 PM

Panakhyda at 6:30 p.m. Provincial Covid-19 precautions limit the number of people in the funeral home at a time. This may require visitors to wait outside for access to the building.



St. Volodymyr Cemetry

Graveside service and burial will be private. Thank you for your understanding
