It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of David Cardoso Correia just after his 84th birthday. A loving husband, father, grandfather and friend. Dad is survived by his loving wife Quiteria, children Debby (John), David (Daniela) and three grandchildren, Julia, Victoria, and Anthony. Born on the 4th of December 1934 in the village of Raminho on the island of Terceira, Acores Portugal, he was the third child of Francisco Goncalves Correia and the second child of Maria das Dores Cardoso, both of whom have predeceased him along with his two brothers Frank (California, USA) and Manuel (Terceira, Portugal). He married Serafina Diniz Cardoso Lourenco from Altares Terceira on January 26, 1958, and in 1960, he immigrated to Toronto with his wife. The couple worked very hard allowing them to buy a home on Brock Avenue in 1967, and soon had two children Debby and David. Sadly, on the 21st of May 1973 Serafina passed away leaving behind her loving family. Dad remarried on September 15, 1974 to Quiteria do Carmelo Alves Rocha. In those early years Dad worked extremely hard never saying no to work. He started out as a dishwasher, worked summers picking tobacco, became a construction worker, and finally started his own business. He was proud of his financial success and would often say translated from Portuguese "People Don’t Fail to Succeed — They Fail to Make the Effort to Succeed." Dad not only worked hard, he loved to gather socially with friends and family. In Canada he created his own social club known as the "Adega" by converting a 3 car garage on Dovercourt Road into a fancy gathering spot for many Portuguese social events. Many people in the Portuguese community looked forward to New Years at the Adega. The family's annual summer vacation was in Terceira Portugual, where few could keep up with Dad's spirit at village festivals, restaurants and coffee shops. Many locals on the island mistakenly thought Dad had permanently moved to the island because he was there so often. One summer he flew to the island twice because he did not want miss a village bullfight or the birth of his granddaughter Julia. Dad was a proud Portuguese Canadian immigrant who was also very giving, including his involvement in establishing a Portuguese non profit based on a religious tradition from the Acores known as the "Festa da Irmandade do Espirito Santo do Immigrante". Dad was affiliated with St. Helen’s Church, and many other Portuguese clubs and organizations. One of his proudest moments was when he was awarded the Certificate of Outstanding Canadian Citizen by the Government of Canada during Canada's 150th Anniversary. The award was given to him for his efforts in promoting Portuguese culture. Dad was a loving husband father and grandfather and he will be missed. He will be forever in our hearts. Until we meet again.Visitation
December 20, 2018
Cardinal Funeral Home - Bathurst
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
December 20, 2018
Cardinal Funeral Home - Bathurst
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM
December 21, 2018
St. Helen's Church
09:00 AM
December 21, 2018
Mount Hope Cemetery
10:30 AM