

Jaime Pereira Teotónio died peacefully at home on Monday, August 21, 2023, and will be forever remembered with love.  He was 91.

A devoted husband and father, Jaime will be greatly missed by his wife of 59 years Maria Emília, and daughters Linda (Peter Wren) and Isabel (Ricardo Lourenço). He was a proud grandfather to Olivia, Gwen, Brigid, Aidan, Gabriel and Sofia and they will always remember their beloved Avô.

He will be fondly remembered by all of his family, including his siblings, nieces and nephews.  He is survived by siblings Maria Amélia (Luís Faustino), Henrique (Cândida), Alzira (Virginio Brum), Agostinho (Zália Ribau) and is predeceased by Joaquim (Cândida).

Born in Caranguejeira, Portugal, Jaime spent his youth working alongside his father, playing the clarinet for the local philharmonic and dreaming of adventures beyond his hometown. Upon completing military service, he boarded a ship, and in 1955 set sail for Canada, seeking a better life.

After nearly a decade working in southern Ontario, he traveled back to Portugal and in 1964 married Maria Emília. Over the next decade, the couple settled in Toronto and worked hard to create a loving and thriving environment for their immediate and extended family.

Jaime’s enduring belief in the importance of family, the pursuit of knowledge and the integrity of hard work informed his life and actions.  He lived those values and fulfilled his goals.

He worked at Ford Motor Company of Canada in Oakville and his entrepreneurial spirit allowed him to create a lasting legacy for his family. A lifelong learner and a strong advocate of education, he always encouraged his daughters (and later grandchildren) to excel in school. “Education is Number One,” he would say, hovering over them to ensure they finished their homework.

Above all, he was dedicated to his family – always there to help, and always generous. Throughout much of his life, Jaime was austere and emotionally reserved – a man of few words, but always one in whose company you wanted to be. Yet when he became a grandfather, he embraced the role – he was a softie to his grandkids, and his playful side shone through.  Jaime instilled good values in his grandchildren and taught them important life lessons through the examples he set.

In his final years, Jaime battled dementia and his family thanks the doctors, nurses and support staff for their excellent care, which enabled his wife and loved ones to care for him at home.

Jaime’s life was a testament to his enduring love for family, his entrepreneurial spirit, and his profound sense of responsibility.  He died as he lived, with courage and on his own terms.

Family and friends may call at the Cardinal Funeral Home, 366 Bathurst St. in Toronto on Thursday, August 24 from 5 to 9 pm.  Funeral mass will be at St. Anthony’s Parish, 1041 Bloor St. W., on Friday, August 25 at 10 am, followed by interment at Prospect Cemetery, 1450 St. Clair Ave. W.



Jaime Pereira Teotónio, 91 anos, morreu no passado dia 21 de agosto na paz do seu lar. Para sempre, todos o recordarão com imenso amor. 

Marido e pai devoto, a sua presença será profundamente sentida pela mulher, Maria Emília, e filhas Linda (Peter Wren) e Isabel (Ricardo Lourenço). 

Jaime nutria imenso orgulho dos netos Olivia, Gwen, Brigid, Aidan, Gabriel e Sofia, que, eternamente, sentirão a falta do querido avô.

Jaime será também relembrado pela restante família, incluindo os irmãos Maria Amélia (Luís Faustino), Henrique (Cândida), Alzira (Virginio Brum), Agostinho (Zália Ribau) e pelo já falecido Joaquim (Cândida).  

Nascido na Caranguejeira, Portugal, Jaime trabalhou durante a juventude ao lado do pai, Joaquim Pereira Teotonio. Nos tempos livres, tocava clarinete na filarmónica local e sonhava com um futuro melhor para lá daquelas paragens. Por isso mesmo, em 1955, após terminar o serviço militar, partiu em direção ao Canadá a bordo do navio Olympia. Na década seguinte, trabalhou no sul da província de Ontário. Em 1964, regressou a Portugal e casou-se com Maria Emília. De volta ao Novo Mundo, o casal criou raízes em Toronto. Ambos trabalharam de forma árdua para ajudar todos à sua volta. 

Jaime acreditava, profundamente, na importância da família. O valor dado ao conhecimento e à ética do trabalho formataram a sua vida, norteando-o em direção aos objetivos.    

Jaime trabalhou na Ford Motor Company of Canada, em Oakville, e o espírito empreendedor levou-o a deixar um legado. Dedicado a aprender, crente no alto valor da educação, encorajou as filhas, e mais tarde os netos, a perseguirem a excelência. “Educação acima de tudo”, dizia sempre, à medida que observava as filhas a completarem os trabalhos de casa. 

Acima de tudo, Jaime dedicou-se à família, sempre disponível para ajudar e generoso.

Emocionalmente austero e reservado, homem de poucas palavras, abraçou, no entanto, o papel de avô com um enorme sorriso. Apesar de brincalhão com os netos, insistiu na importância de valores fundamentais, dando, diariamente, o exemplo.

Na etapa final da vida, Jaime lutou contra a demência. A família agradece os esforços de médicos, enfermeiros e pessoal de apoio pelos cuidados dados, que permitiram à mulher e família chegada tratar dele no conforto do lar.  

A vida de Jaime Teotónio é um testemunho de amor à família, empreendedorismo e sentido de responsabilidade. Corajoso, ditou as suas condições em vida, assim como na hora do último adeus.

Familiares e amigos juntar-se-ão para o velório na casa funerária Cardinal Funeral Home (366 rua Bathurst St, Toronto), no dia 24 de agosto, entre as 17h e as 21h, com a leitura das orações marcada para as 18h. A cerimónia religiosa irá realizar-se a 25 de agosto, às 10h, na igreja St. Anthony’s Parish (1041 rua Bloor St. W.), seguindo-se o enterro no cemitério Prospect Cemetery (1450 avenida St. Clair Ave. W).

Please consider a donation to the Toronto Dementia Research Alliance in memory of Jaime Teotonio.

Caso estejam interessados, por favor, façam uma doação para a Toronto Dementia Research Alliance em memória de Jaime Teotonio


August 24, 2023
Cardinal Funeral Homes-Bathurst
05:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Prayers will be held at 6:00pm


August 25, 2023
St. Anthony's Parish
10:00 AM


August 25, 2023
Prospect Cemetery
11:30 AM

Timing for cemetery is approximate


August 24, 2023
Irene Grobin
What we have once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us. May the beautiful memory of your Jaime be a blessing to you all. My deepest sympathy.
August 24, 2023
Adriano H. Faria
Um abraço enorme para todos vós neste momento tão delicado. O tio Jaime deixou para trás uma familia muito especial e merecedora de tudo o que de bom pode haver.