
Beginning July 16, 2021 the Bereavement Authority of Ontario is once again permitting visitations and services to take place that are open to the public. We must continue to maintain physical distancing, the wearing of masks and may not allow more than 40 guests at any one time. Once the maximum limit has been reached, we will ask any additional guests to kindly wait outside in a physically-distanced line until there is room to enter safely.



September 18, 2021
Cardinal Funeral Home - Annette Chapel
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


September 18, 2021
Cardinal Funeral Home - Annette Chapel
11:00 AM


September 18, 2021
Prospect Cemetery
12:00 PM

Arrival time at the cemetery is approximate


September 22, 2021
Daria Kowalyk
Dear Marta - deepest sympathies to you! Your father was a wonderful man, with a positive attitude and a great sense of humour. I will always cherish fond memories of him as a Plast leader and from our time spent at Krym. Vichnaya Pamyiat'!
September 20, 2021
Michael P. Maciuk
Dear Marta, I extend my deepest sympathies to you and the bereaved family. May the soul of your father John Franiw be at peace with our Heavenly Father. Many fond memories of John Franiw from my old Plast days when he was the Camp Head in Grafton, Ontario, many decades ago. He was a wonderful person, fine gentleman and excellent Scout leader! Vichnaya Pamyiat!
September 17, 2021
Oles Sochaniwskyj
Marta - our sincerest Spivchytia - from myself and my Mama and family. My Tato always loved talking with your father about Plast, Ukrainian politics, and life, and you will always be remembered as wonderful neighbours on Hillcrest. And I remember your Tato always smiling at Sts. Peter and Paul home. Vichnaya Pamyiat.