
Peter Christopher Daniel Medeiros Junior Brown was born on June 4th, 2001, to Paula & Peter Brown and departed on July 10th, 2022. Beloved brother of Vincent.  Loving grandson of Maria & Fernando Medeiros and Sharon & Michael Brown.  Dear nephew of Fernando Medeiros Jr. and his partner Christina, Moises Medeiros, Michael Brown and his wife Lori, Melissa Brown and Sarah Pereira and her husband David.  Also surviving are many great aunt and uncles, cousins and countless friends.

Gone way too soon, our beautiful son and brother, but, we are consoled by the fact that you came into this world to accomplish a mission, and you are now residing up in heaven where God has called you. Mission accomplished, dear boy!  Although we grieve your passing, we know that you are now our Angel; guiding us every day.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made in Peter's name to either The Dover Court Boys and Girls Club or The Toronto Humane Society


July 18, 2022
Cardinal Funeral Homes - 366 Bathurst Street
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
July 18, 2022
Cardinal Funeral Homes - 366 Bathurst Street
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Prayers - 7 p.m.


July 19, 2022
St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church
10:00 AM


July 19, 2022
Park Lawn Mausoleum
11:30 AM

Arrival time is approximate


July 11, 2023
Peter Brown
it’s been a year still feels like cuts so entire world has changed.i think of you everyday and i’m writing to you here because i know that anyone reading this is feeling the same.i know you wouldn’t want to see me in pain.i promise to always honour your memory.i wish you were telling me about life and your views or were asking me why nobody likes nickleback or scream out let’s go brandon.peter everything you thought was right and your feelings are mine.i just want you with me.go for wings on bloor or a nice bike ride
July 11, 2023
it’s been a year still feels like cuts so entire world has changed.i think of you everyday and i’m writing to you here because i know that anyone reading this is feeling the same.i know you wouldn’t want to see me in pain.i promise to always honour your memory.i wish you were telling me about life and your views or were asking me why nobody likes nickleback or scream out let’s go brandon.peter everything you thought was right and your feelings are mine.i just want you with me.go for wings on bloor or a nice bike ride
December 25, 2022
Dear Peter, we miss you dearly and wish you a very Merry Christmas. We wouldn't be who we are without you. As I reflect on the joy and laughter you brought into our lives, I am thankful that I had the honour and pleasure of being your friend. You're in all our thoughts, on Christmas day and every day.
August 05, 2022
Peter Brown Senior
I can’t stop thinking about you Peter.I wish you could be here.Every single day I think of you.When I see people I meet for the first time I think your in them speaking to me.I will go on for you.You were my son and I would tell you everything.I hope your at peace and looking out for everyone.I’m not sure if anyone reads this but I want to thank everyone who showed love and support for you.Please feel free to share a story or write a note or talk about Peter.I love to know everything about him. Love Peter Brown Senior ❤️
July 21, 2022
William Guthrie
My sincere condolences. Please find strength in your memories
July 20, 2022
Kristopher Sousa
I am extremely saddened to hear of the news of Peter's passing. I was a camp counsellor at Dovercourt for many years and had the pleasure of knowing Peter (and Vincent) for many years as they grew up. Peter was always funny and bright. May the family find comfort and peace during this extremely difficult time.
July 20, 2022
Sonia Luis Panici
Paula, I have just learned your devastating loss. May God give you the strength to carry on & fill your Spirit & Soul with comfort. God chose Peter to come home for a reason unknown to us. May you find comfort that he is at Peace.
July 19, 2022
Josie Schembri 🙏🏻
Peter I just heard of the passing of your handsome son. I am devastated he was so young. I can not explain my sorrow to you and your whole family. May his memory live on forever giving you peace. May he RIP among the Angels above.
July 19, 2022
Peter Roy and Family
It is very hard to believe that Peter Jr. is gone. We spent many summers with Vince and Paula with Peter Jr coming to the occasional game and practice. It was clear that he was so loved by his family. I can't imagine how difficult it is for the entire family to lose such a handsome bright young man. You are all in our thoughts. Our deepest sympathies to you all.
July 19, 2022
Nancy, David Mott and Family
The love and joy that your child brought to you will never be forgotten. • Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Our deepest sympathy
July 19, 2022
Nelia Karsai & Family
Dear Paula, Peter and family, my sincerest condolences on the loss of your son. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this very difficult time. May Peter Rest In Peace.
July 18, 2022
Cynthia Kysely
Paula,Vincent and Family my deepest condolence on the loss of Peter. My thoughts are with you during this very difficult time. It’s so clear how special he was from the words spoken today!
July 18, 2022
Carmen Hamilton
Thinking of you Paula, Vincent and family and sending my heartfelt sympathy to you all. May young Peter's memories comfort you. Rest in Peace Peter.
July 18, 2022
David Ast
Dear Paula, Peter, and family. I remember Peter fondly from the Grade 9 Geography class I taught at Harbord Collegiate, as well as from his participation in the SHSM program. He was an inquisitive young man with a great sense of humour who always brought a fresh perspective to any discussion. I am glad to have had the opportunity to know him. My deepest condolences on your loss. May Peter rest in peace.
July 18, 2022
Carmelo Micieli
Peter, Please accept my deepest condolences on the loss of your son. Your family are in my prayers. There are no words that can express such a loss during such a difficult time. May he rest in God's hands.
July 18, 2022
Masum Shah
Paula, please accept my deepest condolences in these difficult times. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May Peter rest in peace.
July 18, 2022
Claire Freire & Family
Dearest Paula, Family & Peter, Family Please know that however you're feeling right now—sad, numb, guilty, tired, angry—it's normal. There's no right way to feel, and that’s okay.... I am so sad that you're going through this. ~Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts~ My sincere condolences to all. -Claire-
July 18, 2022
Luis & Philomena Faria
Our sincerest condolences on the loss of your son, may the memories you shared together, help you through this very difficult time. May god grant him eternal rest.
July 18, 2022
Kris Walsh
Paula, Vincent and Family, please know that you have my sincere sympathies in this difficult time. I am so sorry for your loss. There are no words that can express your loss. Please accept our condolences. Kris, Irene, Rebecca and Sarah.
July 18, 2022
I send my deepest condolences to the family. I met Peter at Harbord C.I. and he was so kind and had great sense of humour. He would brighten up any room he walked into. He was so dedicated to the things and people that he cared about, and it’s so admirable. May he Rest In Peace 🙏🏽
July 18, 2022
Bruno Duchesne
Paula and family, my deepest condolences on the passing of Peter. Our thoughts are with you in these difficult time.
July 18, 2022
Paula, Vincent, Peter, and the rest of the family I send you all of my deepest condolences. Words cannot even begin to explain how heart broken I am at this tragic loss. Peter was an amazing cousin and an amazing person. He was loving, kind, smart, and caring. He was always there with a big smile and something insightful to say at every family event. My heart aches alongside you today. I send my love and prayers.
July 17, 2022
Melissa Brown
Dear Peter, Vincent and Paula. I have been trying to find the words for days to say how devastated I am that little Peter is gone. He was a remarkable young man and I was blessed to have him as my nephew. He was a light in all our lives and he will be truly missed by everyone who who knew him. My thoughts and prayers are with you today and always.
July 17, 2022
I cannot believe that you are gone. Life is not fair. I love you and will see you again one day.
July 17, 2022
David feraday
Dear Paula and family, please accept my most sincere condolences on the passing of your dear son Peter. As a teacher you ofter find yourself thinking of your students as your own children. Peter was part of a special group for me. I enjoyed his smile and sense of humour. He was always willing to help. Even when he came back as a co-op student, he instantly fit back into the family that was/is St. Raymond. Even though I no longer live in Toronto, I feel your loss and will miss him. We hold our love ones in our memory and in there they live forever. The Lord is with Peter now an will keep him safe till we meet again. I pray for you and your family and wish you comfort in this very sad moment. Take care and God bless, David Feraday One of Peter's fans and also a teacher.
July 16, 2022
Lindsey and Garth
We are so very sorry for your loss. The unthinkable happened and is never supposed to. I’m lost for words Peter if you need anything at all please msg us
July 16, 2022
Maria Celentano Andrade. an St. Raymond
Vincent and mom May the Lord bless you. Your absolutely right he is an an amazing Angel. What a sweet boy everyone will tremendously.
July 16, 2022
Parul Singh
Paula, my deepest condolences to you and your family during this difficult time. May Peter rest in peace.
July 16, 2022
Deysi Natalia
Peter, Vincent y familia les envío mis más sentidas condolencias por la pérdida de su amado hijo y hermano, los seres que amamos jamás mueren sólo cambian de residencia a nuestro corazón para siempre . Peter J nunca olvidaré tu sonrisa y la gran fortuna que fue para mi conocerte y escuchar tu voz , el recuerdo de ese hermoso momento vivirá por siempre en mi corazón . Ahora eres un ángel y vivirás por siempre en el corazón de aquellos que tanto te aman .
July 16, 2022
Joe, Joshua and Ericka
Dearest Paula, Peter and Vin, as our hearts are so in so much pain during this difficult moments, please accept our deepest condolences. We have been honoured and privileged to known Little Peter and we have shared wonderful memories all these years. The most handsome and wonderful soul. God called him too soon, we know that he is watching us and he is our free Angel that is reunited with God. we will see him again as God has promised us that we will see him again, we will wait until God fulfill his beautiful promise. We don’t say a Good bye forever because he lives in our hearts forever. We love you forever Little Peter.
July 15, 2022
Brittany McCann
Paula & Family - sending you comfort, prayers and my deepest condolences during this difficult time. May Peter Rest in Eternal Peace. 🕊
July 15, 2022
Sharon and Michael Brown
You were our first grandchild, our first grandson. You were so beautiful, as you grew into a handsome , intelligent, funny , man. Just days past your 21st birthday the world and our family suffered the unthinkable loss. How do we go on in a world without you in it? I hope you knew how much you meant to us and how loved. Give nana and all the crew in heaven a hug for us.
July 15, 2022
David Pereira
Peter, Paula, Vincent and families, I can’t understand how something as tragic as this can have happened. Sarah and I were so honoured to have Peter in our wedding, and we are privileged to have had him as our nephew. I’ll always smile when I think of him swimming the lake at the cottage, or discussing politics with him, or having him entertain us with stories of his pets. He was a bright, funny and insightful young man, and the world isn’t as bright without his spark. “May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And, until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.” Our hearts are with all of you through this unthinkable time. David, Sarah, Little David and Oliver Pereira
July 15, 2022
A message in a bottle.I bring with me today.When it reaches you open it.For in your heart it will stay.Your gentle soul and loving eyes will never go away.I hold you near and in my heart forever you will stay.Protect is now and watch over us.This is what I say.In my eyes you are perfect in your heart this will stay.I love you Peter.Dad
July 15, 2022
Jacob De Juliis
Paula and family, there will never be anyone else quite like Peter. While he was selective with those he truly trusted, I am honoured to have had the privilege of knowing Peter for who he really was and being his friend. While his passing is painful and his loss devastating, the joy, uniqueness and love that he passed on will never be forgotten. Thank you for bringing such an amazing person into my life, Paula. I will forever love him, and cherish the memories I hold with him.
July 15, 2022
Anna Donato
My deepest condolences to the entire family. The passing of someone is always sad but, the passing of one so very young is devastating. May God wrap you in arms and give you comfort is this tragic time. Thoughts and prayers are with you all.
July 15, 2022
Kevan Sodek
Paula and family - words can't express the depth of your loss. Deepest sympathies as you remember Peter.
July 15, 2022
Ralston Reynolds
It was a privilege and honour knowing you and your family. I will miss your laughter. We will miss you.
July 15, 2022
Amir Mostaghimi
Paula, I am so sorry for your loss and the pain brings, my deepest and sincere condolences to you and your family. I only saw Peter a few times few years ago, he was a nice and gentle boy, gone too soon. Paula be strong at heart and wishing you peace during this difficult time.
July 15, 2022
Vijai Ramdath
My deepest condolences to Paula, Vincent and family. Paula, you are a dear sister to me from the Bic Family, and I pray with you for eternal peace for Peter's soul in the heavens.
July 15, 2022
Tina Astri and Family
Dear Paula, Vincent and family, Our deepest and heartfelt condolences for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this very difficult time. Cherish all the wonderful memories you have of Peter. He will forever live on in all your hearts. Rest In Peace Peter 🙏🏻❤️
July 15, 2022
Pasqua Chimienti
Paula, Vincent & family- I am heartbroken to hear of the loss of Peter. My heart goes out to you and your family during this difficult time, I am sending your prayers, love and strength. 🙏
July 14, 2022
Lucas Carneiro
Dear Paula, Vincent and family please accept my deepest heartfelt condolences. Peter was my best best friend since kindergarten. R.I.P to a Great soul such a smart and kind person.. peter was the one who taught me and made me understand math in grade 5 , thankfully i have alot of memories with him. Rest easy peter You will be greatly missed buddy.😓🙏❤ can't belive this is true..
July 14, 2022
Babeth Sperlich
Paula and family. No amount of words can express the pain that you are going through. Thinking of you and your family during this tragic time. You’re in my thoughts and prayers
July 14, 2022
Rosemarie Sohan
Dear Paula, Vincent and family, With deepest sympathy as you remember Little Peter during your time of loss. Little Peter was greatly loved, forever in our hearts and will be sorely missed. Please accept our condolences and support 🫂🙏🏽✝️. Rose, Blake, Syd & James
July 14, 2022
Vanessa McFarquhar
Peter, Paula and Vincent, we are sending you all of our love. We feel honoured to have known Little Peter. We remember him for the wonderful, witty and wise man that he was. Little Peter will live on forever in our hearts. We love you. xoxo
July 14, 2022
Charlene and Rocco
Dear Paula, Peter and Vincent please accept our deepest heartfelt condolences. Peter (Jr.) will forever be loved and remembered. Forever in our hearts ✝️