
January 27, 2016
6-8 p.m. (Panakhyda 7 p.m.)


January 28, 2016
Cardinal Funeral Home, 92 Annette St. Toronto, ON
10 a.m.

Burial / Entombment / Cremation

St. Volodymyr Cemetery, 1280 Dundas St. Oakville, ON


August 13, 2018
Lessya Nahorny
Hi Tania and Tara's I am so sorry I missed the funeral. I knew your father to be a man larger than life. Determined with a great sense of humor and a big g heart. He was like a parent figure to me whenever I met up with him he protected and supported and parented me. I am so very safe to know he is not of the living anymore. However I am grateful to know he will be a part of the angel world looking down on me. I know you were his special children because he bragged and bragged and bragged about you both. You are so lucky to have had a dad so amazing As he. Forever he will be missed and he is resting in peace. I do have a strong powerful feeling he is looking down with pride at you both. Definitely is your angel or guidance and protection Vichnaya Panyat.
January 27, 2016
Oksana and Victor Ozymtchak
Dear Tanya, Taras and family. Please accept our deepest condolences on the passing of your dear father and grandfather. While growing up in the Ukrainian community, your father was always there by your sides. He was very proud of your accomplishments and loved seeing you perform and thrive as Ukrainians. He was compassionate, loving and always had a joke or two to tell. May God bless your families, and may he rest in peace. We are praying for you. Oksana, Victor and Andriana Ozymtchak
January 26, 2016
Christina Dashko
Dear Tanya and Taras and your family, So sorry to hear about the death of your father. God bless you and give you the strength to get through this difficult time. Many prayers. Christina and Roman Dashko
January 26, 2016
Cristina & Rosario Di Vittorio
Our condolences to you Taras and the family.Love The Di Vittorios , Rosario, Cristina, Sal, Mike, Chris and Bella and my In laws Salvatore and Antonina May he rest in peace with Mom forever xoxo
January 26, 2016
Anna and Terry Hymans
Hi Taras, Tanya and family, Our condolences to you. I have fond memories of your dad as a young man with two young children. He would pass by our house on Concord Avenue on his way to work each morning smiling and greeting everyone with a 'good day' while he hurried off claiming he couldn't talk much as he needed to get in to work on time - he had spent all morning getting the children ready for school. One word to describe him? A 'super' dad. He allocated a lot of time teaching his children to experience the good things in life, dancing and giving his children an insight into his Ukranian traditions. An event I witnessed and was impressed with was to see him put skis on his children guiding and cheering them down a neighbor's curved driveway in downtown Toronto! That was the extent he would go to make it a lot of fun! Always a friendly neighbor; a kind hearted, spirited individual Mr. Mocharenko "Peter" to us all, lived for his children and family. Rest in peace dear Peter. Anna and Terry Hymans
January 26, 2016
The Grygorachyk's family
Dear Taras, Natalia, Daniel and Gabriel, please accept our condolences on the passing of your father and grandfather. May his soul be at peace and may God give you strength to go through this hard time. We will pray for you! Ми щиро співчуваємо Вам і молимось за Вас. Хай Бог помагає Вам в цей сумний час. Мирослава, Олег, Мирослав,Андрій і Данилко.