
With heavy hearts we announce the passing of Robert (Bob) John Davidson on the morning of February 28, 2022, at Princess Margaret Hospital, with Sylvia, his love of 31 years, by his side.


Bob was a beloved husband who will be so dearly missed by Sylvia Spielman Davidson and the Spielman family who welcomed him as a son and brother with open arms: father-in-law Nick (predeceased), mother-in-law Justina, sisters-in-law Erika Carroll (Clayton), Helen Spielman, and  Hilda Yorke (Steve) and their children Nicole, Taylor, and Grant. Bob is remembered by sister Viola Phillips and her son Matthew.


As a TDSB Principal, Bob was a pillar, and his steady direction and positive influence over students and staff alike garnered respect and love. When he retired, Runnymede School created a recurring award in his name to honour a graduating student who showed kindness, mentorship, and a willingness to help others, which were the very best of Bob’s characteristics. Bob always encouraged excellence in the arts and music. Under his leadership, the Winona School orchestra travelled to Japan for a once-in-a-lifetime cultural experience to share their love of music.


When first faced with a cancer diagnosis 26 years ago, Bob showed optimism and courage. When others told him that they had received a diagnosis too, he was compassionate with them and modelled the power of a positive outlook.


Bob loved people, nature, animals, art, music, travel, the cottage, and his hometown, Toronto. He had many interests. Bob was an avid reader, gardener, scuba diver, handyman and renovator. He started building his cottage when he was just a teenager and throughout the years friends and family pitched in to help with his projects. Bob was always busy and willing to help and share his expertise when needed. He was adventurous and forged friendships wherever he travelled. He enjoyed visiting Sylvia’s relatives in Austria and Ukraine who immediately adopted him as part of the family. Other favourite destinations were Barbados and Vancouver to visit his cousins, Marilyn Hajas and Shauna Jones. Bob and Sylvia were married in Jamaica.


Although Bob had many interests, family and friends were his main passion. To his nieces and nephews, who were like his own children, he was a kind, thoughtful, generous, fun, patient and devoted uncle. He cherished his long-lasting relationships with friends but also developed a rapport with their children and grandchildren. The different generations always included Bob as part of the family.


Bob’s optimistic personality, generosity of spirit and joie de vivre were deeply felt by everyone. Bob, you were un homme extraordinaire. Your love and spirit will live forever in our hearts. We will miss you always.


There will be a Celebration of Life in the future. Online condolences may be left by clicking Memorial Book in the top right hand corn.






April 29, 2023
Helen Spielman
It was Xmas Eve and I usually baked the turkey at the family home. Bob would always drop off the the frozen turkey a few days ahead . It always had giblets taken out of cavity. But this time ..oh...oh..this time giblets in. I had taken no notice. I proceeded to bake giblets in paper bag and all ! Bob and all of us had a good laugh. Bob could be serious when the the occasion arose. He also saw the humour in life. With a big smile the following Xmas Eve Bob yelled out "Any giblets this year Helen ?,". Bob remains forever in our ❤️ hearts Love Helen
April 26, 2023
Andree Vezina
Ma chere Sylvia, As a colleague and a friend first, i was so happy when you met your soulmate, dearest Bob. You have had a long and loving relationship. I have enjoyed getting to know Bob when i was still single and afterwards with Chris and even our kids :). The fun times at the cottage even without indoor plumbing at first :). We were so amazed of how talented he was in everything he engage in but mostly to have build all the cottages and other building on the premise. I remember him listening to books on tape while he work on a project and how he would come back from town with the pontoon loaded up to the hilt. Of couse we have lovely memories of you two visiting us in Boston. I have a great picture of him holding Aurelle...He is so missed and will be forever.
March 02, 2023
Linda Mitchell Young
Dear Sylvia, the van der Vecht family has so many fond memories of Bob on Raven Lake beginning in the 1970s. We were so thrilled for him when he met you and we saw the love and respect you shared. We loved when Bob would stop at our dock and take us for boat rides. We also loved spending time listening to great music at your cottage. He always had us participating in the Lake's regattas. We will continue to cherish these memories xo
February 27, 2023
Tanya Randall
Dear Sylvia, I am so sorry to hear about Bob's passing, and send you my deepest condolences. Bob hired me to work at Winona Dr. School in 1978. It was my very first job and I could not have asked for a kinder and more understanding boss. I had just lost my father before the school year started and Bob knew it was a tough year for me. Thanks to his guidance and tutelage, I made it through that first year and have gone on enjoy 30+ years in the profession. When the chance to move to California came up, the first person I went to was Bob, seeking his wise guidance and advice. I am so grateful to have enjoyed our friendship across the miles and your visit to Cali many moons ago. With love always, Tanya and Doug.
February 27, 2023
Kevin David
Sylvia, I had Bob as a student and along with several other people who worked for him put me on the path that I am on now. Thus I was privileged to have known him, been influenced by him, and he will be missed.
February 26, 2023
John and Julie Goodanetz
We think of Sylvia and Bob often. It occurred to me that almost 50 years ago Bob stood in for Julie's father at our wedding. Julie being an orphan he walked her down the aisle at the Finnish church on Yonge street. I've known Bob since I was 18 years old and in first year university. I believe Bob was already a teacher or in teachers college. Through the years we loved each other's company and enjoyed skiing when we could get together. Bob used to be a constant guest at my parents home in Toronto. Though they are long gone they loved Bob as well. Our daughter Sonya still remembers her first Indian meal that you arranged when she was a child during a visit to Toronto with our son Kriss. They thought that it was the spiciest food they had ever tasted. As you know better than most, Bob was one of the fairest and most genuine of friends that one could have. We were so happy that Bob met and married you. Though distance and health have kept us apart these many recent years Julie and I have cherished your friendship. We are thinking of you at this time and are warmed by the memory of a true friend.
February 25, 2023
Cathy Bellissimo
All my years at Runnymede were memorable thanks to our fearless leader Bob. He always managed to make his teachers shine and to bring out the best in all of us. Even during errors in judgement he never belittled us. Thanks to his strong sense of integrity he helped us to pick up the pieces and to carry on. You are missed!
March 22, 2022
Ann Cooper Gay
Dearest Sylvia, My heart is breaking for you. Bob was The Best and I am devastated that I can't tell him that in person. I was so, so happy when you two found each other. I've known him since I started teaching at Winona in 1987 and then later he talked me into coming to Runnymede. Errol thought he was the perfect principal and always said that I was so fortunate to have his support in building the music program. I remember you two coming to Heather's wedding. Sylvia, I'm trying to send you an email, because there is so much more to share with you. I would love to see you, so I've asked the gentleman at Cardinal to phone you and give you my number. I know you have my email address. I am in Toronto until mid-to late May. I send you my love, my understanding, and my promise to keep in touch. May Bob truly rest in eternal peace. Love, Ann
March 22, 2022
Gaetane Lafrenière
Bob will be remembered as a great principal, always kind and always there for you. Thank you for everything Bob! Merci beaucoup Bob! My sincere sympathy to Sylvia and family. Gaetane Lafrenière
March 21, 2022
Nathalie Bédard
My sincere sympathy to Silvia and family. Bob hired me as I graduated from Teacher's College. Bob was kind, gentle and sincerely concerned about everyone well-being. Passionate for education, music and French language, he guided me and Runnymede School. Bob, you will not be forgotten. Thinking of you will always bring a smile and warm feelings.
March 21, 2022
David Cummins
Sincere condolences to Bob's family and close friends. I had the pleasure of working with Bob in new program development at the High Park Summer School program, Public School Athletic Association events and the University of Toronto Teacher Education Program. Bob was an exceptional educator. His was "a life well-lived".
March 17, 2022
Diane Fleury
I wrote this message for Sylvia because she is the one I know, but I wish her family my deepest sympathies. Sylvia, I know how much your husband was important to you. You always have embraced a positive outlook on life, the one you shared with your husband despite any adversity. You always have been there for him. I think of you, I know it must be really hard but you were there for him with your love and your care. You take care
March 17, 2022
Moniz Family
Bob will always be in our hearts. We enjoyed his company and friendship since we became neighbours at Raven Lake in 1991. We are also very tankful for his orientation and guidance, specially during our first few months of cottage life. Having been one of the pioneers of Raven Lake Bob shared with us so much historic information about the lake community as well as about Dorset. Bob had great knowledge of the wild life and plants of the area and had a good selection of literature about it. He enjoyed and respected animal life including the red squirrels (even though he preferred to observe them from afar…). It was a pleasure to see all kinds of birds around his cottage that he and Sylvia attracted with the right foods and caring. Even the plants for the monarch butterflies were not forgotten. We loved the get-togethers at the cottage and in Toronto. Bob enriched our lives in many ways; we will miss him a lot. Our sincere condolences to you, Sylvia, and to your family. We hope that Raven Lake will help attenuate your pain. Tony, Elizabeth, Andrew, Owen and Austin
March 17, 2022
Laure Kling
Nos plus sincères condoléances à Sylvia et ses proches! Nous partageons ta tristesse et nous sommes terriblement touchés par la perte de Bob. Bob will always be remembered as a very kind, approachable and understanding Principal. He contributed so much to the music and art program at Runnymede. He always encouraged and facilitated the French Immersion Program. He was the one who hired me. He was the one who gave me the opportunity to learn and to love this community which has become part of my life. Bob, you will always be in our hearts! Ton rire et ton sourire seront pour toujours nos chers souvenirs.
March 15, 2022
Alice rawecki
I’m sorry for the loss , Sylvia . Having worked for Bob during my teaching career was a person who shared and supported his staff to its fullest . His calm response in times of need was we do our best and understand we will not always get 100% . If we had an idea he listened and this is what made teaching for him fun and rewarding !
March 15, 2022
Jim Robertson & Jim Scott
We were saddened to hear of Bob's passing. He was a wonderful and talented educator who will be sadly missed but greatly remembered by all those he worked for and with. Bob was an inspirational influence in my life and career in education. Thank you always, Bob. Jim Robertson & Jim Scott
March 15, 2022
Gina Christakis
My sincerest sympathy for Mr. Davidson’s passing. He was my Vice-Principal at Winona Senior P.S and many years later, the Principal of Runnymede P.S where I did my teaching practicum. Mr. Davidson was an amazing leader who lead with confidence, kindness and a great sense of humour. He was a great role model. His compassion and caring will always be fondly remembered. May He Rest In Peace!
March 14, 2022
Brenda Bennett
I was so sorry to hear about Bob's passing. I know him by reputation and through the wonderful stories I have heard. My thoughts are with Sylvia and his extended family and friends. I know he touched many lives and will be dearly missed. May the gift of many special memories together with Bob bring some comfort at this sad time. My sincerest condolences.
March 13, 2022
Lynda & Louis Marchese
Our sincere condolences to Sylvia and family. We will remember Bob as someone who had such a positive outlook on life. He left his wife and everyone who knew him with many happy memories. Repose en paix Bob...To the love of his life, Sylvia, "Bob n'est pas loin. Il est simplement passé dans la pièce d'à côté..."
March 13, 2022
Anne-Kathrine Jesse and Christoph Amstutz from Switzerland
We met Bob while diving on Salt Cay in 1997, and his warmth and our shared hobby and love of Salt Cay bonded us immediately. In 1998 Bob and Sylvia visited us in Zurich to see the Cow Parade. On a return visit to Toronto, we enjoyed Bob's and Sylvia's cottege and also made the acquaintance of the Black flyes while canoeing. Several visits by Bob and Sylvia to Europe and the associated visits to us remain in our fond memories. We will miss Bob. We hope our friendship with Sylvia will keep our thoughts of Bob alive. Sylvia - our thoughts are with you and our heartfelt condolences to you and your family. With love Anne and Christoph
March 12, 2022
Jeanne Hamilton
I was very fortunate to have known Bob at Runnymede school. He created such a positive, serene and caring atmosphere for all staff and students. It was a pleasure teaching there all those years. His encouraging and supportive manners will be remembered by so many people. Sincere condolences to Sylvia, her family and Bob's family.
March 12, 2022
Sharon Faibish
I just read the obituary; Bob sounds like he was a very special person whose wonderful qualities touched many peoples lives. May the love and support from family and friends ease your grief during this difficult time.
March 12, 2022
Doug Flanders
I was so sorry to learn of Bob's passing. He was a lovely man whom I came to know through living at 50 Quebec. Always engaging, always pleasant, he was truly a good and decent man. My sympathies in your great loss.
March 10, 2022
Cathy Bellissimo and Randel Devenney
My sincere condolences to Sylvia and to the family. We will all miss Bob’s gentle manner and love of people and beautiful places. He was a supportive principal who always tried to bring out the best in his staff members. I will cherish my years at Runnymede with Bob at the helm. Repose-toi bien Monsieur Davidson.
March 10, 2022
William "Bill" & Emily Davidson
Sylvia & family. we are very sorry for the loss of Bob. We have know you both since we moved into 50 Quebec, visited with you in the PH and enjoy your company. We always knew when we saw you without Bob by your side he was at the cottage. As you mention in his obit he loved to travel. I often wondered if we were related when I was doing my research and the way he treated Emily & myself we are sure there is a family connection. All our love, Bill & Emily
March 10, 2022
My sincere condolence in these sad moments. Bob will stay in my heart as a great man, an example for me, for his kindness and his strength. My thoughts are with you in these sad moments.
March 10, 2022
Jim Gould
Silvia Please accept our sincerest condolences on Bob's passing. Raven Lakers will miss hm for all that he did over the years. Jim Gould and familyi
March 09, 2022
The deHaan Family
Our family has been neighbours of Bob's on Raven Lake for 37 years. I was 13 at the time, and just about to peak in being a noisy teenager... not an ideal neighbour in the peaceful 80's on the lake. Bob was nothing but kind. He always had a friendly smile and wave as he passed in his pontoon boat, and always had time for a conversation, regardless of what he was doing. He called us many times when something happened at our cottage while we were home, and it was wonderful to know that someone was watching out for us. He will be always be remembered as a friend, and the epitome of the best kind of Raven Laker. Sylvia, we are saddened by your loss, and I truly hope that we will see that swimming buoy gliding by, or the canoe, or the kayak, or whatever mode of transportation you chose that day. Our heartfelt condolences to you and wish you peace in the coming days. Viola and Matthew, may the memory of Bob be a blessing to you. We hope to see Matthew skipping the waves in his sea flea this summer. Blessings, from the residents of the Roost: Darryl, Heather, Seth and Scarlett deHaan Alice deHaan Brad deHaan and his family Charlene Godsave (deHaan) and her family
March 09, 2022
Steve Petroff
We are feeling much sadness at the loss of Bob - such a special person. He was an innovative, visionary educator who made my teaching years at Winona exciting and fruitful. He was a good friend and l miss him. "Many great memories!" Steve and Dallas Petroff
March 09, 2022
Gino Falconi
Please accept my condolences. I was saddened to hear of Bob's death. He was a wonderfully supportive principal and so special to the Music programs at Winona & Runnymede. I remember the many times he hosted The Canadian Brass weeks where both Winona & neighbouring school musicians received so much inspiration from both these legendary professionals as well as the staffs Bob supported. Flagship music programs flourished thanks to his leadership. It was my pleasure to have worked with him as Coordinator of Music for the Toronto Board of Education May his memory always be a blessing. You hold a special place in our hearts as you face the challenging days ahead. Gino Falconi
March 09, 2022
Ann Gray
We will all remember Bob with such fondness and love. He was a wonderful friend and one of my families oldest friend.
March 09, 2022
Helen and Anibal Salvador
Sylvia, we are so sorry that you lost the love of your life, may you find comfort in all the love and memories you shared together. I read recently with the passing of my mom that " When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure" Bob was that simple, beautiful treasure that we will keep in our hearts for ever. So true what it has been said about Bob, we are so sadness that he is gone from our lives too. Bob was our next door neighbour at the cottage in Raven Lake. He was our guiding light back in 1993 and throughout the years. Bob taught Anibal all that we needed to know to keep the cottage as our second home, supported us in so many ways. Our children, Anthony and Jannette grew up knowing Bob as the one who watched over them, took them to explore the lake, gave them books to read about nature, the great encyclopedia , made sure they got their boat driving license and now loved our little grandmother Evie, who loved the sand in the beach, in the beautiful property on Raven Lake that Bob built. Our memories of Bob are so special and go far so long , but it all seemed like yesterday. Bob and Anibal shared every afternoon " their break" sitting on our dock going over the day, planning for the next, shared over a bottle of Portuguese wine. I will never forget Bob' loving and caring words when I got sick " Helen we will get through this", he was also recovering from a cancer diagnosis. We shared our hope for the future, our treatments and joi de vivre. While in the summer we were friends and shared birthdays, and cheese parties in the pontoon,and shared friends, in the city Bob began the tradition during the winter to go to a Portuguese Bakery for a lovely get together with Anibal and Tony. This is how Bob showed his great love for us and his friendship . With Anibal's Parkinson's diagnoses, it was Bob with his gentle loving care that told him " Anibal let's continue with our afternoons get together" We don't know what life will be like at the cottage without Bob, but we know that he will be in our hearts for ever. Our sincere condolences to you Sylvia, to Viola and Mathew and all your family. We just wish we had another season, another last change to say goodbye to our loving friend. With all our love the Salvador family
March 09, 2022
Zisis Haritos
My sincere condolences, Sylvia; and to all close family members. I’ve known Bob since the early 1960s. Bob was always generous and compassionate to all around him. I remember fondly the times I spent with Bob and other close friends at his lakeside cottage. Bob was a very good friend, always dependable, and great conversationalist. I’ll miss him.
March 09, 2022
Shauna Jones - and, Al Jones too.
As I sit and allow in the feelings I have for Bob, my cousin, after his passing, I am filled with deep gratitude for the times we had together, for what he brought to my life and the ways in which he helped to shape me. A pillar, a rock, a kind and generous human. He focused on the positive, what could work, what could be and what was. Ever there for those he worked with, played with, neighboured with and loved. He provided a safe place for me to land during times when I was young, tough times, and in the good times. Bob is one of my most favourite men in this world. An exceptional person. I have so many memories, far too many to list here because Bob knew me since a baby. He was my closest family for many years – with Great Grandma and Mom. Years that included Viola and Auntie Beryl. I hold most closest to my heart the friendship we developed when I became an adult. So many great conversations, hanging out, awesome dinners, and the cottage – a haven you shared. Sylvia you brought love and light to Bob’s world. How lovely that you had these 31 years together when, in the early days, you weren’t sure you’d have this long together. You two were tight. Sympatico. Best friends. I’m so glad you had each other for as long as you did. There will be so many adjustments for you: times of sadness. Remember he is always with you. As you begin your own transition to a life without Bob physically present, I share this poem with you to remind you he is close. Always. Death Is Nothing At All By Henry Scott-Holland Death is nothing at all. It does not count. I have only slipped away into the next room. Nothing has happened. Everything remains exactly as it was. I am I, and you are you, and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged. Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by the old familiar name. Speak of me in the easy way which you always used. Put no difference into your tone. Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was. There is absolute and unbroken continuity. What is this death but a negligible accident? Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just round the corner. All is well. Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost. One brief moment and all will be as it was before. How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again! Source: Bob, you will be missed. I love you. Sylvia, Al and I send our love.
March 08, 2022
Peter Hopkins
I first met Bob when I was a young teacher at Winona. He was always encouraging, positive and a leader in so many ways. Bob always acknowledged the value of extra-curricula activities, sports and personal interests. He was a remarkable educator and he will be sorely missed. My heartfelt condolences to his family.
March 08, 2022
David Groves
I knew Bob my whole life; he probably met me when I was only a few months old. When I think of Raven Lake, of family, of that special place and all it has meant to me, Bob is always close at mind. He was always welcoming, always kind, always a warm presence. Sylvia, you and Bob were always so kind to me, but your recent kindness in hosting my step-family for our wedding meant the world. May his memory be a blessing.
March 08, 2022
Heather Gay Hoffman
I was a fortunate Winona PS student to have had Mr Davidson as principal - and would never have gotten to go to Japan without his vision and drive! Truly a wonderful human and educator - my deepest condolences to Sylvia and family. May his memory ever be for a blessing.
March 08, 2022
David Knight
Bob was a man who inspired confidence in all those who worked for him. Rather than finding fault, he would tell you all the things you were doing right and as a result you worked harder and improved. His calm approach went beyond the workplace and a problem shared with him was immediately halved. I will miss him.
March 08, 2022
Sue Newman
There really are no words to adequately express my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your dear Bob, Sylvia. I had the great good fortune of being a staff member when he was Principal at Winona Sr. School in Toronto. The Wonder Years!
March 08, 2022
Lone Smith
My sincere condolences to all. Bob was a pillar of strong support for all around him. I will miss his kind words when I as a young teacher wanted to enter administration:"Make haste slowly." I have followed that advice ever since.
March 08, 2022
Kim Kitchen
Yesterday morning when I awoke, I felt your familiar presence; sturdy, attentive, kindly, and there you were at the end of the dock. You waved and I trusted you were on your way. I proceeded to recount my love for you - from the beginning of my childhood you have been a pillar in the foundation of my life. You set the bar for any other man I would enter into relationship with. You taught me about that which I continue to love and hold dear in my life to this day. From life long friends, to those who we meet perhaps only once and those who are a constant. Great music, food, knowledge, education, with lively discussion of all disciplines and travel as mentor-ship into the great unknowns. You said to me my entire life - you matter! I grew up with the greats of your music collection and so today as I mourn you, send after you my love and thru my tears I sing along . . . He’s leaving, on that midnight train to Georgia, I’de rather live in his world than live without him in mine. You will remain in my world forever Bob ~ Kim DeBlock Kitchen Sylvia & to all who loved Bob, our family sends our deepest condolences. Abeba, Erin, Nichole, Kim & Perry Kitchen
March 08, 2022
Arlene Freeman
Bib was a kind, caring gentle man with a wonderful smile! I was fortunate to have worked with him at Blake and when he went to Winona, I was transferred to adjoining McMurrich. A great educator who will sorely be missed. May his memory be a blessing to Sylvia and all who knew him.
March 08, 2022
Karen Falconer
Dear Sylvia and family, Bob was an extraordinary educator and leader. He inspired the kind of trust and excellence in TDSB’s public education that cannot be taught but comes from a place of integrity, respect and empathy. I am so sorry for your loss.
March 08, 2022
Marilyn Hajas
Dearest Sylvia, My heart bleeds for you.. Bob and i were always never very far apart as we lived two houses away as children in Central Toronto. As kids my mom did look after both Bob(ROBERT ) and his sister Viola.while their mom worked for the Director of the Toronto Board of Education ...must have been an omen!! When Bob and his mom and sister Viola moved out to Weston .. Hurricane Hazel hit and we would carry out water to give to the family as we met on the bridge crossing over the Humber River and passed the jugs of fresh water over by hand.. No vehicular traffic was permitted. As my parents thoroughly enjoyed Weston.. they purchased a home directly across the road from yours.. We would all trek down the road , across the bridge over the Humber river and trek on down the road to Weston Collegiate So many good times..especially tinkling the ivories on the PLAYER piano with the rolls of special music designed for a player piano... Then my Parents decided to purchase crown Land on Raven Lake near Dorset and included your mom in the journey Many a good time was had by all the kids around the campfire So many Good memories. Visiting with me on Barbados,... Both you and Sylvia would get up early and trek across the pasture to walk up the hill to catch the bus to Oistins , where you would spend the day at the beach reading, swimming, visiting with other visitors with whom you became friends,going to the fish market.. Eating fresh fish dinners at the vendors in Oistins, creating memories You my dear Cousin will be sorely missed. Much Love, Cousin Marilyn
March 08, 2022
Jean-Guy St-Yves
Sylvia, comme beaucoup d’autres, j’ai été très peiné d’apprendre la triste nouvelle. Je dois dire que j’ai été très chanceux de connaître et de travailler avec Bob à Runnymede. Bob savait écouter et il avait vraiment à cœur le bien-être de ses collègues et des élèves des écoles où il a travaillé. Lors de nos réunions ou de nos rencontres, Bob se joignait à moi pour trouver des solutions afin de donner le plus de support possible aux enfants comme aux parents. Bob n’est plus avec nous physiquement mais il restera certainement vivant dans nos souvenirs. Mes plus sincères condoléances à toi Sylvia ainsi qu’à toute ta famille et à la famille de Bob.
March 08, 2022
Michel Verreault
My son was accepted at Winona school because of Bob and we became very good friends I used to live just around the corner from the school and just about every day Bob and 2 other teachers friends would come to the house and we would have lunch together Thanks to Bob I had grants from the Toronto Arts Council to teach photography as an art form at Winona for several years. Bob was an incredible man with a heart so big that it could hardly fit his body. He will be remembered for ever Love you deeply BOB My sincere and profound condolences to the family and particularly to Sylvia who was so close and present 24 hours a day they were both ONE inseparable
March 08, 2022
Monique Guevremont Robert Lafleur
Bob nous a toujours impressionné par sa joie de vivre et par son enthousiasme communicatif. Nos plus sincères condoléances à Sylvia et ses proches.
March 08, 2022
Lisa Makarchuk
Deepest condolences and white light for strength.
March 07, 2022
Martha Hart McDougall
Bob was and will always be one of the finest men I know. He gave me my first teaching job at Runnymede Public School in 1993. He took a chance on me as a primary teacher to take on Grade 7 because he said he knew I would work really hard, and I have worked hard every day over 22 years of teaching to show him my gratitude. He is proof that it only takes one person to see what you can do and believe in you, and that makes all the difference. I will always be grateful to him and hold him in the highest regard- he loved his staff, his students and his school. I am so very, very sad to hear of his passing, but he definitely lives on in me. Thank you, Bob- you were/are a true inspiration.❤️
March 07, 2022
Nancy Ballanger
I am so sad to hear of Bob's passing. His commitment and enthusiasm for the arts was an inspiration to us all. My deepest condolences to Sylvia and his family.
March 07, 2022
David Wheler
I will greatly miss you Bob, you were a joy to work with and a wonderful friend. I felt that we were friends from our first day at Winona. You truly were one of the best. David
March 07, 2022
Linda Sato
I am deeply saddened to hear of Bob Davidson’s passing..he was a superb administrator and a wonderful man..
March 07, 2022
Bonnie Iwasutiak
So very sad! Bob was a very kind, gentle and patient man and will be missed very much. Condolences to Sylvia.
March 06, 2022
Aruna Ogale
I’m so sorry for your loss. Mr. Davidson was a wonderful principal. I met Bob when my son entered JK at Runnymede in 1990. Mr. Davidson built a nurturing and inclusive learning community. He supported parental involvement and was instrumental in helping implement anti-racist, anti-bias programs. Mr. Davidson was a model educator whom more should emulate. My son was lucky to have known such a great role model at the start of his education.
March 06, 2022
Anne Lakoff
Bob Davidson was the shining example of what a great principal is: collegial, kind, inclusive, and positive. As a parent of children who attended Runnymede P.S. I was thrilled that they were in a school so supportive of the arts and outdoor education. Bob put his full support behind the large hillside garden which was conceived, planted and tended to by parents and children during his tenure. Later, as a teacher at the school, I grew professionally under his guidance and positive outlook. As a staff we had many laughs, and much fun, and there was Bob, at the centre of all of this, our sunshine, our light, where we all had the chance to shine. Much loved and never forgotten.
March 05, 2022
Jerome Edjidian
I was deeply saddened by the tragic news. Some of my best teaching years were under his guidance. Bob was kind, jovial and supportive and always found money to support your curriculum. He did a lot for Runnymede school especially the music program. My sincere condolences to the entire family.
March 05, 2022
Maria Kowal
It was a breath of fresh air when Bob came to Runnymede. I agree with others that the community he built was strong, positive and genuine. It was his vision that laid the foundation for our highly successful music program. He was also a champion for all students. Heartfelt condolences.
March 05, 2022
Stanley Hallman-Chong
One of the most significant ways that Bob impacted the world was that he brought people together. Many of us have spread out far and wide, but the community that he built remains with us as his legacy. As long as we remember each other, we know that Bob was and always will be our centre.
March 05, 2022
My deepest condolences. Bob was such an inspirational man. He was kind, thoughtful and a people person. He brought the arts to Runnymede and changed it trajectory for the better. He made my first years at Runnymede some of the best and I have forever kept his positive outlook and creative ideas with me. May he rest in peace et il y a toujours un petit feu qui ne s'eteint jamais. Vangelia