Peacefully went to the Lord in the 100th year of her life. She will be forever missed and remembered by her family of 12 children (and their spouses), 19 grandchildren, 23 great grand children, and in the hearts of all who knew her. She is predeceased by her husband Evangelista Martins and two children Evangelist Jr. and Conceiçâo. Anunciação had a zest for life that allowed her to hold on till her last breath. She left a fascist Portugal (Lombomeão) in search of opportunity with nothing but a suitcase. Even though she had very little education she was a finance manager - paying all the bills and balancing the budget with limited resources, nurse -tending to illnesses, burns, and broken bones with home remedies, midwife - delivering many babies, early childhood educator – she became an expert by raising her brothers and sisters, her children, and grandchildren, teacher - teaching her offspring the value of family, honesty, hard work, and respect. She spent her whole life nurturing others. In her spare time she wrote poetry which she often published in local papers. She had a strong faith and believed in the power of peace and forgiveness. She was resilient, inspirational and loved unconditionally. Our family would like to thank the staff at CWT Care Home for all their dedication and care for Anunciação during her stay there. Visitation will be held at Cardinal Funeral Home, 366 Bathurst St., Toronto on Tuesday, August 21 from 4-9 pm. Holy Mass will be held at St. Mary’s Church, 130 Bathurst St. on Wednesday August 22 at 10 am, followed by internment at Holy Cross Cemetery. A celebration of her life will take place 2-5pm at Castleview Wychwood Towers at 351 Christie St. in Toronto, following internment.Visitation
August 21, 2018
Cardinal Funeral Homes
04:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Prayers at 8 PM
August 22, 2018
St. Mary's Parish
10:00 AM
August 22, 2018
Holy Cross Cemetery