
February 08, 2013
From 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.


February 08, 2013
Cardinal Funeral Home, 92 Annette Street, Toronto, ON M6P 1N6
8:00 p.m.

Burial / Entombment / Cremation

Riverside Crematorium


February 08, 2013
Michelle and JP
Although no words can really help to ease the loss you bear, just know that you are very close in every thought and prayer. Love from JP and Michelle
February 08, 2013
Christine and Paul Watson
Dear Denise, Danny and Allan We are very sorry to learn of the loss of your mother and wish to extend our most sincere sympathies. We have known your parents for nearly as long as you have, and share your sorrow in Helen's passing. We regret this winter storm prevents us from being there this evening. Sincerely,
February 07, 2013
Judy Holovy
Dear Allan, Chris and family, We are very sorry to hear about your mother's passing. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Judy, Grant, Clark, Joan and Claude.
February 06, 2013
Al & Barb McKenzie
We were in extreme disbelief to learn of Helen's passing from our daughter Chris (McKenzie) Proulx. We had been in regular talks with both Alan and Chris and felt that Helen was bravely managing her illness. Our wish is that we were at home in order to offer our personal support to the family at this time. Our thoughts and prayers are with Alan and Chris, Denise, Wayne and Danny at this very sad time. Al and Barb McKenzie
February 04, 2013
Vicki Lam
Allan, Chris & Family, May the peace which comes from the memories of love shared comfort you now and in the days ahead. You have my sincere condolences on the loss of your mother.