
August 02, 2014
11 a.m. - 1 p.m.


August 02, 2014
Cardinal Funeral Home Chapel
1 p.m.

Burial / Entombment / Cremation

Private Cremation


August 18, 2014
Lindsay Masters
So sad to discover this news of her passing. Laura was the loveliest young lady. She was smart and had a great sense of humour too! My sincere condolences to her family and loved ones.
August 03, 2014
Michael and Yasmin
Deepest condolences to the family of Laura. She will be remembered for her many positive attributes and her wonderful smile. She had a particular zest, and a spunk that I admired. Laura will be missed by many. May the pain of the days ahead fade and replaced by the wonderful thoughts that made Laura who she was, and knowing she is at peace.
August 02, 2014
Dylan Thompson
My aunt Laura was so different from other people's aunts. She always shined when she entered the room, in her new boots with a big smile on her face. She always seemed to have a way to make me happier whenever she was around. She was in my mind the kind of person I aspire to be, she did what she wanted, and no matter what was true to herself. Whether it was from bringing me to the Ex or going out to a nice dinner at Rodney's she always had a way of teaching how to live my life in a new way that was special to me. She was one of the most kind people I had in my life, and it surely was never a question whether she loved me or not. She will truly be missed and she was such an important part of my life.
August 02, 2014
Christine jones
sorry to hear about your loss
August 02, 2014
Kelly McClure
I am so very sorry for your loss. I knew Laura for a number of years professionally. She was the type of person that remained completely calm in the middle of a storm. She was my rock on more than one occasion. I admired her both personally and professionally. We spoke about how being an auntie was very important to her and family was everything. Her loss is greatly felt and although I only knew her for a short time - I will miss her very much. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.
August 01, 2014
Bruce Anderson
Dear Richard, Chris, Heather and family, It is with great sadness that I learned of Laura's passing. Unfortunately I am out of the country and I am unable to attend her service on Saturday. I do though want you to know that Laura will be missed by all that knew her and that I will personally miss her. I have known Laura since when I first joined the Labour Relations section in January 2007 as Director and then as Executive Director of Human Resouces. She was a very bright person and a hard working professional who was always willing to pitch in and help with what ever was needed. Her hard work and skill saw her promoted to Consultant and then Senior Consultant, Labour Relations. Laura and I always had a little playful banter about work issues and our work activities. But there was always at some point in time when she would say "now Bruce" with just a slight up tone. I can very honestly say that I will miss hearing her say that with just her special tone of commentary and inflection to me. I will miss Laura the professional but I know more that I will miss Laura the person. May you find some peace and comfort knowing that she was a good person, she was highly thought of and respected by the many she worked with. Most sincerely, Bruce Anderson
August 01, 2014
Cindy O'Reilly
The City of Toronto has lost a valuable employee and we have all lost a wonderful young woman. My deepest condolences to Laura's family and friends. She will be dearly missed.
August 01, 2014
Lawrence Keen
I'm so sorry for the family's loss and our loss here at the City. It brightens my heart to hear about the LR family that loved and cared for each other and has accomplished such great work together with Laura. We will all greatly miss her.
August 01, 2014
Jo-Ann Kennedy
It is with a heavy heart that I offer you my sincere condolences. May Laura rest in Peace.
August 01, 2014
Janet Ransom
I joined the Labour Relations team at the City of Toronto last August 2013. The first person to greet me and make me feel welocome was Laura. We did the usual tour of the office and introductions and the best advice she gave me was to "always strive to exceed expectations". I soon learned that that was her credo. She had a fierce loyalty to the team and wanted the best for everyone. I loved her laugh, her style, her intelligence and her generous spirit. Laura possessed a unique charisma and sense of humour that cannot be matched. Her friendship and mentorship was a precious gift she gave us and I will ensure that I "play it forward" to all that I meet. She will be acutely missed by her LR family but those of us who had the pleasure and priviledge to work with her and walk in her "good company"; we are changed for the better because we knew her. Be at peace beautiful Laura.
August 01, 2014
Jennifer and Peter West
We are thinking of all of you at this extremely difficult time. Laura is in many childhood memories and we are so sad to hear this news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
August 01, 2014
N Foster
Sending my deepest condolences, love, and prayers during to the family during this difficult time. My dearest Laura: I want you to know the mark you've made on my life, and I'm shattered you're not here today for me to tell you in person. I could always count on you for a smile during difficult times; today I'm imagining your infectious smile and your hearty laugh as a sliver of light in the recent darkness. Since your childhood friend Leigh introduced us many 12 years ago, I came to discover your many talents, your great intelligence, your quick wit, and your fierce sense of independence. You were your own person and took on any challenge you set your mind to - and did it well. From landscaping, plumbing/electrical systems/dry-walling, to learning the game of golf. I remember your taking on the pursuit of your Masters Degree while working a demanding job. You made it seem too easy to juggle all the moving parts, and you inspired me to do more. You introduced me to the epic walk as a great way to collect the thoughts - Downtown to Leslieville, Toronto to Oakville; I always sensed you may have enjoyed the journey more than the destination. While great distance separated us for many years, you'd make a point to send a note from time to time to check in. I always cherished your unwavering friendship and appreciated that we kept in touch. While I know you liked to keep your worlds from colliding, and sometimes kept your guard up, I appreciate all that you shared. You were a great listener and a kind soul. Time and space don't get in the way of strong friendships. You and I could always pick up exactly where we left off, regardless of intervals between correspondence. Like so many others, I will always feel fortunate to have had you grace my life, Laura. Au revoir, ma chère amie
July 31, 2014
Garth Knox
Laura was so very special to so many here at work. It is a shame that we sometimes realize too late what a difference a person makes, such is the case with our friend and colleague. She will be missed. My condolences to the family.
July 31, 2014
Frank Yamson
Sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.