
YAROSLAV SOKOLYK, P.Eng. It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our dear Yaroslav on January 3, 2017 in Toronto. Born in Lviv Ukraine in 1925, he immigrated to Canada in 1948. In 1955, he graduated from the Mechanical Engineering program at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute. Between 1955-86, he worked for Link-Belt (later FMC), designing heavy material handling and power transmission equipment eventually rising to become chief engineer. Later he lectured at Humber College and worked as industrial technology advisor for the National Research Council of Canada. Professionally, he also served on advisory committees at Centennial and George Brown colleges, and as chairman of the Association of Professional Engineers, Dufferin Chapter. Yaroslav was a life long community activist, working for amongst others, the Society of Ukrainian Engineers, president of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Toronto Branch (1984–1994), Secretary General of the Ukrainian World Congress (1993-98), the Head of the Eastern Branch of the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada. He was a co-founder of the Black Ribbon Day Committee. He was a member of Plast Ukrainian Scouts since 1935 and an all-star soccer player. Yaroslav was the initiator of a friendship agreement between the cities of Kyiv and Toronto and the agreement on cooperation between Humber College and Kyiv National Economic University. Yaroslav was recognized for his service with the “125-th Anniversary of Canada” medal and Ukraine’s “Order of Merit 3rd Class.” Yaroslav will be sadly missed by his wife of 61 years Oksana, children Wsevolod Konstantin and Ihor (Deborah), grand children Andrew, Daniel and Katherine, brother Bohdan Roman with family in Poland, brother in-law Yuri Shanta and niece Liudmila Shanta, and nieces and nephews in Canada and Ukraine. We wish to thank the staff at Mt. Sinai Hospital for their care and love. Resting at Cardinal Funeral Home, 92 Annette St. (east of Keele) Toronto, where the family will receive friends on Sunday and Monday 6-8 pm., with Panachydas at 7:30 pm. The Funeral Mass will be held on Tuesday January 10, 2017 at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church, 4 Bellwoods (at Queen St.) at 10 am. Interment to follow at Park Lawn Cemetery. On-line tributes at


January 01, 1970
6-8 pm. both evenings Panakhyda at 7:30 p.m.


January 10, 2017
St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church - 4 Bellwoods Ave. Toronto, ON
10 o'clock am.

Burial / Entombment / Cremation

Park Lawn Cemetery, 2845 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON


January 10, 2017
Mark Stelmacovich
I was told about the passing of Yaroslav this past weekend through a phonecall from Toronto. I am in Florida, and regret not being able to be at Tuesday's procedings in person. Nevertheless, I am at least able to pass on condolences through this avenue. Yaroslav's passion for 'community' became very clear every time I met with him at our local Toronto society functions. This, and his other attributes, well, what a wonderful man! I wish to pass on my sincerest of condolences to the Sokolyk family, on the passing of Yaroslav. -Mark Stelmacovich
January 10, 2017
Bro. Eugene Krenosky, KSV
To Mrs Oksana Sokolyk and family, It is with profound sadness that we learned of Yaroslav's passing into eternity. Yaroslav and I go back many years of involvement in the Ukrainian community; his kindness, generosity, counsel, knowledge and good humour will indeed be missed but not forgotten. My God grant you the strength to continue through his memory. Eugene and Anne Krenosky, Regina, SK.
January 09, 2017
Tatjana Lepki
Хай йому зeмля будe пухом. Пані Оксані та синам Всеволоду та Ігорю щирі співчуття - негай же милосердний Господь заспокоїть Вас Своєю всемогучою ласкою.
January 09, 2017
Ash Patel
Our deepest sympathies. Such a great soul who profoundly changed the world around him and had great impact on his sons. Cherish the memories. Time will heal.
January 09, 2017
????? ??????????
Дорога родино, прийміть мої щирі співчуття. Із превеликим жалем почула що відійшла людина що стільки зробила для української громади. Вічна йому пам'ять!
January 09, 2017
Wolodymyr Derzko
Mr Sokolyk was a leader and pioneer in his field and in the community. I was always greeted by a warm smiling face and a kind word. He will be deeply missed by everyone. My sincere condolences and sympathy to Mrs Oksana,Ihor and Wsevolod and the entire family.
January 09, 2017
Ulana and Taras Pidzamecky
Вельмишановна родино! Ми з превеликим жалем прийняли повідомлення про відхід на вічний спочинок св. пам. пана Ярослава. Ми з чоловіком здобули чимало громадського досвіду при співпраці з паном Ярославом у різних імпрезах і заходах. Наша молодість тісно пов`язана з його ентузіастичною, працьовитою, натхненною і провідницькою особистісю! Ми вдячні за всі роки знайомства і спільної дії, за приклад шляхетного, щирого і наполегливого громадського життя! Нехай йому буде Царство Небесне, а всім рідним - нам теж близьким - зокрема дорогій дружині, пані Оксані та синам Всеволоду та Ігорю - нехай Всевишній дарує свою силу і милість, щоб витримати цю скорботну хвилину! УЛЯНА І ТАРАС ПІДЗАМЕЦЬКІ З РОДИНОЮ
January 08, 2017
Becky Jolly
Ihor, Deb, Andrew, Daniel and Katherine - wishing you peace, comfort and courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your heart. Love Ken, Becky, Jordan, Jessica and Justin.
January 06, 2017
Uncle Ihor, Aunt Debbie, Andrew, Daniel and Katherine, We are thinking of you at this difficult time and want to send our condolences. We love you Candace, Lily and Graham
January 05, 2017
Bohdan I. Shulakewych
Шановна Пані Оксано та Родино, Прошу прийняти наші глибокі співчуття з приводу смерти бл. п. Ярослава. Для цілої громади був Він взірцевим українцем-канадийцем, невтомним громадським діячем, гордим пластуном та усе зацікавлою людиною нашої земської спільноти. Нехай канадська земля буде Йому легкою, а ми будем молитися, щоб став в ряди праведників на службі Всевишнього. Ліда та Богдан І. Шулякевичі
January 05, 2017
Taras Myhal
Vichnaya Pamyat.