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Funeral Mass for the late Paola Andrea Fuentes Espinosa
Con una mezcla de tristeza profunda y gratitud anunciamos el fallecimiento de nuestra amada Paolita el 16 de Julio.
Paolita fue una mujer valiente, rebosante de amor, cariño, y generosidad para su familia y seres queridos. Creyente en Dios y la Virgen. Ella era respetuosa, leal, y muy alegre. Era emprendedora y dedicada a sus metas y proyectos. Tenía un talento increíble para la repostería; le daba mucha alegría ayudar a otros a traer alegría a sus celebraciones. Ella le gustaba mantener su hogar limpio y ordenado, teniendo en cuenta cada detalle. Tenía una pasión profunda por el entrenamiento y vivir una vida sana, junto con una disciplina notable.
Paolita será eternamente extrañada por su esposo Elder ("Frijolito"); sus devotos padres Nicodemus y María Patricia; su hermano, cuñada, y sobrino, Sergio Daniel, Angélica, y Simón Antonio; sus abuelos, María Luisa, Lucía, y Humberto; sus suegros y cuñado, Elsa, Jesús, y Jesús David; y todas sus tías, tíos, y primos. Todos la amamos inmensamente.
It is with a mixture of deep sadness and gratitude that we announce the passing of our beloved Paolita on July 16th.
Paolita was a brave woman, overflowing with love, affection, and generosity towards her family and loved ones. She was a believer in God and the Virgin. She was respectful, loyal, and very cheerful. She was entrepreneurial and committed to her goals and projects. She had an impressive talent for baking and cake decorating; helping others bring joy during their celebrations made her happy. She relished a clean and organized home and took care of every detail. She had a deep passion for fitness and living a healthy life, along with remarkable discipline.
She will be eternally missed by her husband Elder ("Frijolito"); her devoted parents Nicodemus and Maria Patricia; her brother, sister-in-law, and nephew, Sergio Daniel, Angélica, and Simon Antonio; her grandparents, Maria Luisa, Lucia, and Humberto; her parents in law and brother in law, Elsa, Jesus, and Jesus David; and all her aunts, uncles, and cousins. We all loved her immensely.
July 19, 2024
St. Clare's Roman Catholic Church
02:00 PM
St. James Crematorium